Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Religious Labels and Rants... or something...

Hello Readers and welcome... I hope all is well with you. I truly hope so... I hope you enjoy this post, I hope to get a few extra posts in while I have a 2 week break from classes I am taking, time will have to be the judge of that. Enjoy...

I used to identify well with labels of people in regard to spiritual beliefs and that you had to fall into 1 of those "categories". If you didn't you did not have a true belief structure because it had not already been introduced by someone else, I guess was my think at the time... and... Well... not so much anymore and am so happy to follow a faith that YOU get to design. I stick to Indian Philosophy and have my own personal (some may think wacky) beliefs, and then being newer to anything other than a Judeo-Christian path and strict beliefs structures I stuck a label to it. HA! A little ironic at this point with annoyance of labels regarding spirituality.

However, this (logical spirituality), my, Faith is defined by those who chose to identify with or not. A little like Buddhism, but even there there are different traditions and schools they are just peaceful about it, but there is still a degree of labels. So... I think that makes it a little less annoying that I had to label it but then again you have to call something something right?... I think I just went cross-eyed.

Anyway, why label what you are regarding your spiritual status? I used to understand it or thought I did but in hindsight I cannot figure out why or how I ever accepted being labeled... then it hit me,,, it was cause by what a lot of faiths call a sin or misconduct and that is PRIDE. When you have no issue with spiritual labels you are proud to be what that label is associated with (i.e. Cross to Christ). Pride is a bad thing I do not care how you try to justify it or an instance of it. Sorry just does not work for me and shouldn't for anyone else, take achievement in your work or life not pride, if you do not get it you should probably do some soul searching (that statement is very ironic if Buddhist).

Just disregard the labels... wait... a lot of religious constructs cannot be supported without this "labelism" If you are not Catholic anymore and just a follower of Christ who do you tithe to?... What happens to the Pope. Oh my God(s)! Are we starting to realize why Atheists know the most about religion? That 4th branching of the Abrahamic Faiths better happen soon with the amount of people saying "I cannot stand organized religion", but you know some of those people are still going, you naughty hypocrites you, By the way... you are sinning... =) and the fact that these labels cannot be remove cause yet another hypocrisy with some Faiths =(

So by my own brilliant deduction above I now have proof that I will have to continue to be annoyed by spiritual labels because they are not going anywhere soon... they might transform in some way at best, at the very best, but organized religion would fall, just over labels too, sad... So I guess this post served reason for me... one less annoyance... dissolve the dislike or the notation of spiritual labels within myself... problem solved. See what following a Faith that works for you does? It make good solution for you or others in some way... As I have said many times before... You pick the Faith that is right of you and not the faith that you have been told was right for you by anyone.

Hopefully my next post will be of more substance and not just a realization that spiritual labels will live just short of roaches...

til the next time...
