Hello Readers and welcome back... I am using Pages 09 for my processor before post for the first time... and I am excited about it... yeah... This is one of those impulsive post topics, but some of those are the best... I hope you enjoy as much reading it as I will writing it... This ended up being a 2 day post because I fell asleep writing it early this morning... 3 AM maybe... I never read what I write again after the final proof which I did accomplish last night so we will see if this even gets to the Blog...
One of the first teachings as a Christian back at the age of... well... a few seconds around my birth. Really, I was “Spirit Filled” at the age of 5, and was a fond moment until I realized Truth, I cannot explain that in any other way. Anyway, back to the early Christian teaching I received. This involved the idea of The Rapture... This event right before the world turns to 7 years of bad luck (peace for 3.5 and hell on earth the last 3.5, see the last book of the Christian Bible for more info (Reevaluation))... Tribulation... yeah that thing. Where all the good Christian get beamed to Heaven and well... there you are in Eternal Bliss, forever. As an early Christian... probably until I was 10-12 years old I thought this to be a fact. There are hundreds of millions of people that believe this event is going to take place still, to this day.
My view on The Rapture were changed even before I found Truth while I was a “Spirit Filled Judeo-Christian”. I took it as a misleading and exploited verse(s) in The Bible that Protestant Preachers learned would keep their followers, make them do their bidding of sorts, and hopefully get more follows... This went on for hundreds of years people!!! Google it... This was, and is, a great form of control and tool for manipulation. I think it was in my late teens, maybe I was even 20 when that fact become known to me, personally... I think the fact that there were so many failed prophecies popping up, like Y2K, that ended up being a 4 month project for a lot of people in my business field (IT) and that was it? This generation will not pass? You Diehard Christians know what I am referring to... I was made to think the world was going to end the year I was going to graduate High School, Y2K (2000)... How crappy would have that been??? Yeah, I know right??? No you don’t! Not unless you lived it. I lived my life up until I was 18 years old thinking that due to being influenced by a family member, one I had to listen to until that very age at least to a degree... I took it as Gospel... Now it is 2011 and I got 3 degrees finishing with an MBA in Project Management in 2008... However, it still took me until about a year ago to officially walk away from a faith I held especially dear for 23 years... Why because of the Truth I mention all over this Blog and post. This Truth that I got that seemed like a wake up.
Now lets back up a second, the family member I mentioned above was just following what The Bible said to do, spread it teaching and raise children according. All she was doing was following her Faith. I cannot fault her for that but now I would think the Truth would be showing itself to her in some manner. I hate that she lacks religious tolerance and is extremely close minded, it really killed our relationship and put some real dings into besides that even. In hindsight... it saddens me
Anyway, I hope that Christians will accept The Rapture is not going to happen in any way, no matter what perspective you have on it... pretribultation, midtribultation, etc... Take it from the Catholics and Orthodox for once it is not going to happen Christians. I really do not think it will, but you can believe anything you want, I want you to, it is your right. Seriously...
I was planning on writing more on this topic but after the paragraph before the previous has killed my desire to write at the moment... Just promise that you will do two things for yourselves... Make sure you are following the Faith that is right for you, not anyone else, and that you challenge your teachers if you feel the need to, no matter if you are a Buddhist or a Muslim...
This is now the second day of writing this post... as mentioned in the Reader Preface (italicized part at the start)...
I think this is one of the few post that I have saved and after I have revisited it will still see the light of day.
Don't be a follower, be a leader that challenges his teacher, no matter who they might be.