Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pray The Gay Away

Hello Readers and welcome back. I have had writer’s block the last few weeks... I have wrote several paragraphs on several occasions... but truthfully I have been so worn down and torn down I just could not write. I am searching for a topic as I am writing this preface. So lets see how this goes... Enjoy!
One topic I have never hit on in this blog is homosexuality, actually I have never brought it up in verbal or in written communication, ever. This is the first time I have ever brought it up without it already coming into conversation prior from someone else. I am 100% sure about that now that I have given it heavy thought, wow that is crazy. As many of you know, if you have read any other posts, I followed Judeo-Christianity Faiths for 23 years (first 13 years as a Spirit-Filled Christian, then the last 10 years as a Spirit-Filled Messianic Jew (as a gentile)) so you may be able to guess about how I felt about homosexuality then. I hated it... I hated them (the people themselves) too... I looked at them as demon possessed people who could be “set free”. With all the prejudices that these Faiths gave me I think this was probably was the prejudice in particular that had the most hate behind it. I would call them very inappropriate names behind their back in company of people with equal Faiths and all would laugh, it was always socially acceptable. This should not be acceptable in today’s times. Yes, nearly all religions, big and small, looks poorly at homosexuality in ever way possible but most scriptures from all major religions are at least 1000 to 1200 years ago... Yes, there are Faiths that are not that old (e.g. LDS, The Bahá'í Faith, etc.) that I still respect but just follow my reasoning... A millennium ago these base scriptures were written at the latest (thinking of Mohammed as the latest, obviously there were some prior by other Faith patriarchs) and that kind lifestyle was not understood like today and was hidden yet and was probably just as common then, especially given ancient Roman/Greek literature, it was just hidden then... Only until recently has being gay became socially acceptable, and there is still a significant amount of population that does not think it is acceptable. It is probably a 50/50 split in the U.S. The LGBT Community has worked very very hard to get what they have with a change of a lot of people’s perspectives amongst other huge strides for their community.
In hindsight, I cringe at that the way I used to view gay people, however, with my “enlightenment” in the end of 2010 my perspective changed, greatly. Just as I now accept everyone’s religion no matter how strange it may be to me I too now respect the gay community. I look at everyone as an equal, regardless of anything, and they should have equal rights in their countries. In the past I voted for bills making it illegal for gay people to wed in my state in the past, that will change as well (Another bill has not came up since late 2010 but there will be). I truly do not think it is a choice, demon, whatever, or all of the above. I truly think they are born that way. I have read studies that point to that is how some are just wired essentially. I knew a gay person in the past and they did not want to be but they were, and still are, or at least a decade ago when I heard about him last.
For those of you that think you can “Pray the Gay Away” are incorrect, in my opinion, and you are entitled to your own, but I will say I saw many people pray out the gay for 23 years and it never went away, hidden at best in one case in 23 years. You can pray for brain rewiring but I think you would have better luck convincing me that that we do not have a moon or that I am a picture frame. I met one person within the now infamous 23 years that said he was no longer gay that I mentioned briefly above. I think he convinced himself he was straight because if it walks, talks, and still acts like a penguin it is highly unlikely he has became a eagle due to prayer. Seriously though, I think he did it because he cared for a woman who was very religious, and his future father in-law, a pastor, who “Prayed The Gay Away”, married his daughter to this gay man who had submitted to their wants ignoring his apparently, though it did take several years of prayer before he said he was not gay anymore. They have children too, which he uses as proof if you talk to him about it but if you would met him in the street you would have to convince anyone that this man was straight, even with the children I was not fooled. At this time in my life I wanted to believe him, as he would proof that it was a demon, but I have watched his eyes, not sure why but I did, and they were always glued to guys and in no manner I have ever a straight man do for any reason. The man needs to be himself and not live a lie for any reason. He is an African-American too and within that community their is still a huge gay stigma based on what I have seen and read so that could be yet another factor that caused him to live a lie. I just know I have to be myself a straight, crazy, religious, software engineer in test, who loves to blog about my religious path since shortly after my “Enlightenment.”
Some advice coming from a straight male in my 30s to religious parents. If you have a son or daughter that comes out to you be accepting no matter whatever your personal beliefs are, religiously or otherwise. If you push them away or dare to go to the “Pray The Gay Away” route your child will do 1 of 2 things, 999,999 out of 1,000,000 times, 1, they will resent you and your relationship will cease to exist at all or will be extremely strained at the very best, or 2, they will do something stupid and everyone will lose them, ending in tragedy. So make your choice wisely because it is important, to a lot of people not just you.
Just a reminder. My favorite quote that I conjured up, “Stay open-minded it gives you room to move around.” 
Oh, and be tolerant to others because others are tolerant to you.
The Logical Spiritualist

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Perspectives, Perspectives, Perspectives...

Preface 1: Hello Readers and welcome back! We are approaching the 1,000 mark for views on my Blog so that tells me that people really care for what I have to say... or that they really disagree but I have had no one say anything negative so I will assume all is well... I hope that that is not that latter. I thought I would make use of sitting in a hospital recliner and try to put my time to good use. 
Preface Part 2: Half of this was written in said recliner and the other was written at home after a hernia surgery that had a very bad outcome for a former step-father in-law, who really helped raise my wife in some very important years of his life... Even though he has the craziest beliefs anyone of us have ever hear, seriously I have indirectly pointed aspects of his belief system, two words, David Icke, yeah that crazy... Poor guy was self-induced his own brain brainwashing... well anyway no one deserves a bad reaction that feels like a heart attack... He is now at home recovering though so that is good. Enjoy!
As someone may think he just want to see numbers on his Blog increase and this The Logical Spiritualist ”crap” is just a means of doing so, by reading the above preface 1. For those loyal Readers you know that is not true. This is a way of expressing my perspective(s) on spirituality/religion and how I feel about any topic that sparks interest in me for any reason, from any religion. I mean no disrespect by giving my perspective towards any Faith, and I respect all Faiths since this Blog started, truthfully it has been about 6 months longer than that really... Feel free to believe anything you want as long as it does not hurt yourself or others. Better yet, believe anything that makes you a better person and that benefits anyone around you more and more everyday. That is what I subscribe to and always will. If my spiritual beliefs are not benefiting me or anyone else anymore I will have to mix up the routine, however, since my “enlightenment” in late 2010, it has always benefited me and more people around me than ever before following The Buddha.
That is how this Blog started, from the event mentioned above, how just like when The Buddha was Enlighten... I see the world for what it truly is... AND in no means am I saying I reached Buddhahood but I am pretty certain if I follow the Dharma the way I see fit, for myself, I will be a heck of a lot higher on the Samsara than I am now on my next rebirth. Again, this is my belief, you can disagree and say Buddhism is crap, that is your opinion, but do suggest “doing your homework” before making such statement or you will look even more ignorant by doing so. Just like I would if I did not if I did not do my homework when I point flaws out in Faiths that make me reject them. Now... Just because I reject them does not mean you should necessarily.
Most people who are avid about their faith, I am speaking more to Abrahamic Faith at this point, whichever it may be, would like you to think there is only one way and it’s theirs, but I find that to be incorrect and have 23 years of my life that is living proof. YOU pick what religion works for you!... I know that is a bold statement but a faith I followed for 23 years did me less good than one of 1.5 years so you do the math... Select one that you think is right and run with it and if turns out that the religion you picked is not working after you have been following it long enough to know then convert to something else. There are many many paths to God(s), Nirvana, Bohdi, whatever, my friends and Readers... You just have to find YOUR path, whatever it may be, and stay open-minded and tolerant to all other beings. I see no wrong there. 
For those of you who believe in a “Creator God”, is the only reason you do things is because you want to get yourself to heaven or so your God will be proud of you helping someone? If so why? I think it is universal good morale, or intuition, embedded in any good that what your doing is good. For example do you go feed the homeless are you doing that to appease your God or because you care for other enough to help those who need it? If it is not the latter you are a sinner... Being selfish is a sin... Do you feel really good about it? Like way too good about it? Like you are better than others or even have a little pride? I think you just chalked up some more sins... See where I am going with this? You should be selfless... just as Moses, Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed... There are many others to that have been truly selfless I just mentioned the bigger names. Their actions in their scriptures speak louder than the words they stated were said by whomever. At least in this author’s opinion. That is what is relevant people. You need to love thy brother just because they need you too. Without question, without reason, you just should help others when the opportunity is there and it does no harm to you in any way. Plus you need to help yourself along with it. Being spiritually healthy by which every religion works for you is essential, at the level that works for you too, and then your good.
Friends think hard about what I have mentioned... What would the people in you hold n the highest regard do? Just think about it... Here is something that someone said that I hold in the highest of regard:
"Don't blindly believe what I say. Don't believe me because others convince you of my words. Don't believe anything you see, read, or hear from others, whether of authority, religious teachers or texts. Don't rely on logic alone, nor speculation. Don't infer or be deceived by appearances."
"Do not give up your authority and follow blindly the will of others. This way will lead to only delusion."
"Find out for yourself what is truth, what is real. Discover that there are virtuous things and there are non-virtuous things. Once you have discovered for yourself give up the bad and embrace the good."
-The Buddha
My Teacher I think said it best above. Everyday I understand more and more why I am a Buddhist and wear a crystal mala everyday (Swarovski crystal actually, 108 ct. with amber crystal separators and a tassel, it was a gift from my wife, I love it), I actually have 3 others 108s. One Sandalwood with a double unique “tassel”, another which is one bone (actually plastic made to look like bone) with a tassel, and finally a Hematite with Tiger’s Eye (Yellow) separators with a snake-knot and I actually have a Dharma Wheel counter on that one. I never used the counter for what they are for, which is for keeping count of Mantra recitations. I keep it folded just passed one bead to remind me I could be a cause of suffering in someone’s life and to do everything I could not to be. It helped me find my way when I was just starting to learn to walk in my new faith.
Do want YOU need to do and not want others try to influence you too. If it requires influence in the first place... well my friend it just is not what you may need... The quicker you learn that the better for you and everyone around you... and that’s a big win no matter how you look at it. 
Just make sure you do your due diligence before following a Faith, and really think it through... it is your live(s) we are talking about here. Make YOUR right decision. 
Keeping those gears in the brain turning since 1981,
The Logical Spiritualist