Thursday, August 1, 2013

Why Did God Die?

Hello Readers, it has been way too long... Life has be a laundry list of busyness for while. I had a great topic come to mind and want to write about it! So here we go... Enjoy!

Why did God die when life on other planets became
accepted by the majority? Let me give you a foreword... I am talking about monotheist religions specifically and with a Buddhist perspective. I was part of Judeo-Christendom for 23 years, as I have said that too many times in my blog. So I have a really good understanding of both and in-between religions of said belief. I am not sure if my conversion to Buddhism 4 years ago as my core beliefs that have me seeing the possibility of life out there among the stars. Do I think there is intelligent life on other planets? Of course, there is too high of probability of it and I totally didn’t rule it out in those 23 years either.

Since the monotheist religions formed there hadn’t been thought of what was outside of Earth. Once modern
astronomy, started less than 1,000 years ago, the thought probably started popping into people’s heads then, at least a little. However, it was not until the 19th century until other worldly people possibility became common place mention by many, constantly increasing through the years. Now there is the Ancient Astronaut theory. Is that true? I cannot say yes or no. We have seen some interesting stuff that can point to it, going back millennia, and it is thought provoking stuff... I just need a little more proof. Like fossils or aircraft that is definitely not ours dating way back, or something very significant.

Anyway, I noticed something that happening especially while growing up, monotheistics would not believe in aliens because God created life here, no where else, or something to that affect anyway. I never saw why life on other planets was a cancellation of God, more specifically a Creator God. The prophets of the Bible left out a lot to the imagination... like dinosaurs... not to be mention a ton of other details of Earthly existence. Why not leave out our brothers and sisters across the universe? The universe is so massive, and increasingly getting bigger, the elements of life landed to Earth and created the conditions of intelligent life’s beginning, why couldn’t it have happened somewhere else? Would seem like He or She wasted space, and a lot of it, if not.

Interestingly enough the thought in extraterrestrial life has now became a belief of the majority of the public, the Pope said there was a possibility of life on other planets, and so on. The Drake Equation points to them not being too far away. I just do not understand why religion rejected the idea so much so very. There are UFOs in famous Christian paintings, so really it is not ridiculous that there is intelligent somewhere. Now is they have been here? Who knows and it will be a very long time before that question could ever be answered. At least that is my thought.

In my own opinion, as a Buddhist, I think there are a lot
more people caught in the Samsara than just the beings on the planes on this planet that we as Buddhists know are here. Maybe the sightings of UFOs are just those of higher planes dropping in to say “hi”? Whatever may be the truth regarding intelligent life outside of Earth, or weird sightings of something, make no impact on my religious practice or beliefs.

Om Mani Pamde Hum

Be kind to one another,
MEH, The Logical Spiritualist   

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Never Stop...

Hello Readers... It has been way too long. Life has been hectic, which is why you have not heard from me in many months. I hope to be posting a bit more frequently but we will see how that goes. I hope you enjoy...

So today is Easter... You know what that means to me? Nothing. Why? It has nothing to
do with me in any way shape or form. How many of you go yo Easter Dinner just because that is what you do? How many of you say “Thank God”, even though you have not held a Bible in years? What I am getting at is how much of your spirituality is just routine from your family’s traditions, none of which are your own? Why not search for answers that you what to find? Are you worried about what family members will have to say? If you are then you may have more problems than you think....

I was stuck for so long in what ever my family practiced is what I was. After 2+ decades I changed that paradigm. Now I am in constant pursuit of answers, and will never stop looking and evolving in some way shape or form. I am a Buddhist with a twist these days, and have been for several years now. I am trying to detach myself from labels as much as I possibly can, which is a huge switch from the past. I also have Jainism, Witchcraft, Chakra, and other influences that are all rolled up into things I believe. One thing I have said for years is there is no one single religion that is 100% correct, 90% would be a long shot in my opinion. So we have to look for what makes us the best person, helps us, helps others, and causes no harm to others. This is at a minimum. If you are reaching this goal you are doing great, I think. If your practice/faith makes you happy too, then you are definitely in great standing. It can be a Christian Faith too, it just didn’t work for me.

I am not in a frame of mind to write anything lengthy, but felt I needed to write something since it has been a long, actually I think the longest, gap in between posts. This I suppose is just an Easter reminder to always keep looking for your spiritually questions to be answered. Never stop until you are satisfied. If you are never satisfied, never stop. Never stop...

-MEH (Former automachi)
The Logical Spiritualist 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

East Bye West, Finally...

Hello Readers and welcome back! It has been a very long time since I lost wrote... It has seemed if when I did have an idea to write about I couldn’t get it out for some reason, but lately it has been just that I am so freaking busy with good ideas... I think the writers block is finally gone... I guess this will be the answer... Namaste!

I really like the title of this post because I am speaking of so many things with so little words. East Bye West, Finally interesting title right? East Bye West means to me that my Western view of religion I can say finally is gone, It was due to Eastern religion that this happened, but I still have unique views in religion that I do not think anyone else does, as well as other meanings it [that part of the post title] has to me. I still study Western Religious Thought and have a subjective view with all of it, but have found my own beliefs. The Western View of religion is so ingrained in many U.S. born citizens, because our parents were raised us this way, that it is really hard to lose it even when you know true reality, what is really occurring all arounds us and in the other Realms (at least to a certain extent). For example, I am finally saying thank goodness instead of thank God. That was a hard habit to break, and I still slip sometimes. I believe I have been traversing the Samsara for millions of years but also think I am really going to jump when this existence ends if I continue my path as I have for the last 2+ years. I was once. Some may think this is crazy, but I believe it to be true. When I asked YHVH for a sign I never saw enlightenment being that sign... Think about that...

Now lets get back to what I was originally talking about, that being the reason I like this tile so much. I think I have explained the first part well enough and went off topic well enough [lol]. Now to the last word, finally... This also holds multiple meaning for me. I am so glad that my religious thought process has finally changed, that I know true reality, that I found the philosophy/religion that I was always searching for so desperately, and that I found the Teacher(s)... the Buddhas [], as well as other meanings. It has seemed like a long transition and really it hasn’t been considering the situation. I broke a 23 year view that I will always be surrounded by in less than 3 years so I think that is pretty good. It is a less usual transition than vice versa really. Mostly what I had always heard [given this info comes during my 23 year Judeo-Christian period. I have not researched this since my “enlightenment” 2+ years ago.] that people that were born with Eastern religion being ingrained in them transitioning to Western Religion was way more frequent than what happened to me. However, you have to find the religion that is best for you, as I have mentioned on this blog so may times before. The bottom line it is what makes you the best person you can be and that others benefit from it as well.

No matter what religion you are I think ascension is possible. My father was not a Buddhist, and I know he was either reincarnated as a Human or higher even though he was not a Buddhist and knew nothing about it. He is definitely not a Poodle, lol. I believe this because of his generosity and his care for people. He may have not have been perfect, but there are no humans that are, however, people benefited from what he did and he went through so much suffering in stride, in hindsight, it is only logical that he ascended to another realm, or at a minimum came back as a Human and will endure a lot less suffering than he did when he was my father. 

My mother was a white witch in her very young years then converted to Christianity and embodied the values of Christ which is a good thing no mater how you look at it, for decades. Then over a decade ago she converted to Messianic Judaism, which I think was a step back because the personal benefit and the numbers of people that were made better by her religious belief were decreased dramtic. She was a great Christian, too pushy but that was the only religious practice flaw during that time period. I wish she would see that. Her search for truth derailed what is most important, which is helping others in one way, shape, or form. Though, I still think ascension will happen because I think her Karmic merit is very high even now.

Well, I think that was a really good post and I hope that you walkaway with something that creates some type of good constructive thought. Believing in something that is bigger than you.

The Logical Spiritualist, the first...

Friday, May 25, 2012


Hello Readers, I hope you are all well. It has been the longest amount of time since I started this Blog in between posts, I think... Well, that being said we will just get on with it. Enjoy!
It seems lately that I have had severe writers block given the time gap. Actually, maybe it has been because I had nothing to talk about regarding this Blog’s topic, per se. Whatever it may have been I do have something to say now, sort of... If you say Atheists do not know anything about religion you would be dead wrong as I have pointed out that out previously, Google it. They statistically know the most about your religion than you do... Another unique and related fact is one that I have also mentioned before, typically the higher educated you are the less likely you are to practice a Faith. I find that stat very interesting... but I digress, let me get to the thing I want to say versus things I constantly repeat... 
I have recently been to being a complete Atheist in my mind, but to many I am already, but I am in a unique situation as my closets beliefs are Eastern and God(s) are less, or not at all, important, or a factor in religious practice for many. I do believe in Gods (devas) in the higher levels of the Samsara, however, there is not 1 deity that has making everything happen for the past 14 billion years. As what I and many others refer to it as is a belief in 1 and only “Creator God.” If there is and he/she allows suffering like there is in this plain that I would not have good feelings about that deity and you are suppose to blindly follow him and be willing to die or kill for that? You are crazy if you feel that way. If we are like him why the suffering monotheists? The proof truly is in the pudding and we have a very clean container in that regard (facts), at least that is how I feel.
Sorry about the above rant, I try to always look at it subjectively but I am proof of a fact no one can deny, I am not perfect. Okay, back to looking at things with a subjective perspective... 
I feel torn in my belief structure at the moment. Actually to the point of coming up with my own Faith, which is actually the root reason for this Blog in the very beginning but the manifesto never came forth... or maybe it did and I did not catch it... we will never know... and who cares? However, that is what is happening. I believe in that religious truth is an equation and the all religions out there in some ways answers some of the equation, some a lot more than others, but none are truly are the solution to the equation and I am not sure if we will ever find one... and only time will tell... Who knows I might burn in Hell or be on a high plain after this life. Will I even know? I do not know... and I do not think I need to in order to believe it or it to be true, or of it being possible to be fact, as many of the things you believe may be too, until disproven by science. I am a good person so logically I should go to a better place, as in my word there is a big ladder to climb (Samsara), that is how I look at it. 
Sorry this post was so short and for the lack of substance... it really sucked, in my opinion, but was a decent attempt to break my writers block. Hopefully I will find that spark again and write a post that will be thought provoking... again time will tell...
The Logical Spiritualist
Est. 1981
BTW... No disrespect to anyone’s Faith, seriously...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Unnecessary Wrath of Organized Religion

Hello readers and welcome back! It has been some time due to various reason. One, life has been busy, and two, work has been just as much so and then some... That consumes a lot of time... Also depleting my ability to write. I have been searching for weeks for a blog post idea that I knew would not be terrible and would help Readers want to find there path, whatever it may be. Here is an attempt... Enjoy...
What has been the bane of man’s own exist since we became civilized? Who has the most control, and some people’s desire to have as much as possible no matter the loss... More people have died since we became civilized which was a long time ago, not in the grand scheme of things, but in human history anyway, because of religion than any disease humankind has ever had combined. That statistic should alarm you. It should make it you think differently, at least a little. Religion has been used as thee most effective method of control. <My readers know I do not reject any belief, only parts scientifically disprove, or mean any disrespect, I just point out a perspective> Think about it. The Crusades, the Inquisition, The Salem Witch Trials, and so many other means of causing countless legions of people to died by so many terrible tortuous ways... For what you may ask, or just an idea! That makes me sick to my stomach. I will give the followers of Abraham credit though, it has gotten better through the many centuries (millenniums even) overall, but there are still millions upon millions of “crazies”, just no mass murderers, well with those kind of numbers anyway. The Pagan and Abrahamic religions where the means of most of that death became common place for so so long. Now granted there were many others [Faiths] resulting in death for conversion, or whatever, they just do not have the numbers as the previous ones mentioned. This is fact, I am sorry, but it is, research it. Now I am not just pointing out these terrible things to rip on either or any part of any sects of either [Faiths] of the above mentioned, as I believe there are many paths to God(s)/Bliss/Whatever, what I am trying to do is drill down to is a deeper point, this is just what I passed while I dug that is noteworthy... I think religions are only a variable in an equation. The more significant variable being organization, which causes an unwanted solution to said equation. This author, and many others, think that all the death could have been avoided if it were not for organized religion. Religion is a great thing but when it is highly organized there is so much potential of something terrible to happening. History is an extensive record of this for millenniums...
The more organizational structure that a religion has typically have perverted their holy book(s) the most, and required rituals that are not mentioned. They only serve one purpose but that could be replaced with something secular and that is giving to the needy and helping out in general, which we already have instances of (i.e. Salvation Army, Goodwill, and more). However, there is one religion that I can say their structure and organization have done them well and everyone they have helped. They being The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They do more to help the needy than any religious organization per capita, that I do admire, which proves its possible, and many more Faiths need to figure out how they do it and apply it to their own. They also have another statistic that is unique, another thing other Faiths should find out how its done is their followers staying devoted to the practice of their Faith after going far in college (gaining Masters Degrees and Ph.Ds) and in are in complex career fields. In nearly every Faith the more educated a person gets the less they practice their Faith, or they stop practicing at all. This is something all other Faiths should figure out as it would hep retain their numbers. Sorry got distracted... The door knocking stuff isn’t bad when you say you converted to Eastern Thought after 23 years in a Faith that was Bible bound. They usually are really nice and then they are on their way. Is that their secret? It does not appear to work for Jehovah’s Witnesses but whatever...
Anyway, Sorry what John Smith created, by however so, got me side tracked, that should have made you think if you were not already aware, but I digress, you and you alone must walk your path as You see fit. No matter how many forks may be in the road just keep on going. You must chose what you think is right and you alone. Do not let anyone sway you know matter who or what they are. There is no wrong choice if the Faith does not hurt you or anyone else and does the opposite helping yourself and others to the fullest extent then, and only then, you have succeeded in finding Your path... I think it would surprise you how many truly do not have succeeded in this due to some type of pressure and/or influence. I think I finally did though, it certainly made a dramatic improvement in my thinking in the least anyway. Even now subscribing to my current idea of my Logical Spiritualism (Mahayana Buddhism (no specific school), Taoism, and some personal “homegrown” beliefs) I practice alone. I have no Sangha, I think with today’s technology I do not think it is needed. Walls are not required, and for the best affect tear down any walls that may exist if you already has one. Chose how you want to practice your Faith as well, just choose what you know is best. You can assemble but when you create a hierarchy within a Faith it usually leaves a bad taste in a given person’s mouth at some point during their devotion. I respect the Dali Lama and think he is truly a manifestation of Avalokiteśvara, and could very well have shared different parts of the mindstream that  has now dated back 14 generations... It is totally possible, the current Dali Lama H.H. Tenzin Gyatso is a great man, and a great author for more people than those just in the Buddhist Sangha. There is some organization there but not much, the structure is not rigid causing it to waiver from what their religion is all about like so many others do...
There I went again one a rant, that is what happens apparently when you really want to blog but have struggle so much lately with a topic to write on... 
Keeping you thinking, I hope anyway, since 2010, personally since 1981, ;-)
Find your own way,
The Logical Spiritualist