Sunday, May 8, 2011

Church of England to the Bible then to a Western Mindset that is hard to Shake...

Well, readers, sorry for the long gap as I have been extremely busy with all kinds of stuff and that has really put a hurting on my writing, so... I am making time even though exhausted... 

Life always seems to come in cycles and come in like a lion but out like a lamb, per se... I have been adjusting to moving, going back to taking class (even though I have a Masters) but love to learn, and working on high profile IT projects... However, you must observe what you believe in and that is bringing Logical Spiritualism to the masses... or something to that affect... I apologize for beings really bouncy on topics but I have had little time to focus on my spirituality this month, a bad thing by all religious standards, ooooopppss, glad I am Logical Spiritualist, so I set the rules and logically I was too busy. ;)

Since we last spoke an event occurred, that event being the Royal Wedding of  Prince William and Princess Katherine. I love the Royal traditions that occur in all areas of the United Kingdom since there inceptions. However, it actually sparked my spiritualist nature... You are probably asking how and what am I talking about?

That would be the Church of England. Their faith, Angelica, is a unique take on Christianity and made me look back to the Protestant Reformation and really the Church of England was one of the first, biggest, and well known splits of Christianity (split from Catholicism), there are numerous reasons why people say they split so pick, I will allow you to draw you own conclusions but I digress. The Church of England seems so close to its Rome counterpart but with less guilt, Haha! Learn to laugh its fun!!!

Lets try to get back on topic, whatever it is... Oh, yeah the Church of England, it is a unique perspective on the Christian faith, as many have said throughout time, the Church of England is a "Middle Ground" between Catholicism and Protestantism. All religions have splinter sects that either take up a majority of the religion like Catholicism to Christianity, or Orthodox Judaism to Judaism, but Christianity "takes the cake" as far as how many splits there have been, or that has the most sects out of any of the major and minor faiths... Why is this a fact? Oh, and yeah... this is a fact.

Personally I think it is due to 2 things, one being that the Bible is written very cryptically and can betaken literally or metaphorically, and two, due to reason one, there are a lot of people that disagree for a plethora of different reasons...

I told myself that I would probably never pick up a Bible and read any of it's contents ever again, now I reconsider my previous statement. I think there is a lot of good things there and Christianity I hold I higher regard now than what I had. Jesus Christ was a great man, a bodhisattva in the least, but I find that the esoteric thing (Creator God, and how it all went down) to get in the way of good (as a whole).

What I mean is that we know that all the mainstream religions promote good values, morals, and standards (or at least if you follow them correctly). So why does where we come from really matter? If we strive to be better people than we will go to a better place, or plain in the end in my eyes. Besides, science has already figured out where we came from. Sorry everyone proof is in the pudding.

So lets try just to follow the rules of goodness of our respective religions and stop telling everyone else they are wrong... It is senseless, if you are a good person and follow a faith not harming yourself or anyone else in anyway than so be it, and you are doing just fine in my book and any other logical persons'.

Sorry for the ramblings, my next post will be of my continued walk in what I find to be right, and suggest you do the same.

Until next time...,


1 comment:

  1. Not bad...its always good to see someone trying to figure out the meaning of life and what their purpose while alive on planet earth as a human being is..what better pursuit really is there? It is really our only true pursuit, the rest is just details.

    Maybe everybody's meaning/purpose is different? Perhaps The Bible is wrong in its pursuit to apply one general universal purpose to every single human beings life on planet earth.

    Keep the blogs coming, as there never is any such thing as being too busy to pursue your individual spirituality (even for) a "logical" spiritualist...all pursuits in life point back to spirituality, in essence, nothing is ever done in life w/o a "spiritual" backdrop, even if you discount yourself as taking part in spirituality, spirituality does not discount itself from taking part in you.
