Hello Readers... It has been way too long. Life has been hectic, which is why you have not heard from me in many months. I hope to be posting a bit more frequently but we will see how that goes. I hope you enjoy...
So today is Easter... You know what that means to me? Nothing. Why? It has nothing to
do with me in any way shape or form. How many of you go yo Easter Dinner just because that is what you do? How many of you say “Thank God”, even though you have not held a Bible in years? What I am getting at is how much of your spirituality is just routine from your family’s traditions, none of which are your own? Why not search for answers that you what to find? Are you worried about what family members will have to say? If you are then you may have more problems than you think....
I was stuck for so long in what ever my family practiced is what I was. After 2+ decades I changed that paradigm. Now I am in constant pursuit of answers, and will never stop looking and evolving in some way shape or form. I am a Buddhist with a twist these days, and have been for several years now. I am trying to detach myself from labels as much as I possibly can, which is a huge switch from the past. I also have Jainism, Witchcraft, Chakra, and other influences that are all rolled up into things I believe. One thing I have said for years is there is no one single religion that is 100% correct, 90% would be a long shot in my opinion. So we have to look for what makes us the best person, helps us, helps others, and causes no harm to others. This is at a minimum. If you are reaching this goal you are doing great, I think. If your practice/faith makes you happy too, then you are definitely in great standing. It can be a Christian Faith too, it just didn’t work for me.
I am not in a frame of mind to write anything lengthy, but felt I needed to write something since it has been a long, actually I think the longest, gap in between posts. This I suppose is just an Easter reminder to always keep looking for your spiritually questions to be answered. Never stop until you are satisfied. If you are never satisfied, never stop. Never stop...
-MEH (Former automachi)
The Logical Spiritualist
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