Saturday, September 29, 2012

East Bye West, Finally...

Hello Readers and welcome back! It has been a very long time since I lost wrote... It has seemed if when I did have an idea to write about I couldn’t get it out for some reason, but lately it has been just that I am so freaking busy with good ideas... I think the writers block is finally gone... I guess this will be the answer... Namaste!

I really like the title of this post because I am speaking of so many things with so little words. East Bye West, Finally interesting title right? East Bye West means to me that my Western view of religion I can say finally is gone, It was due to Eastern religion that this happened, but I still have unique views in religion that I do not think anyone else does, as well as other meanings it [that part of the post title] has to me. I still study Western Religious Thought and have a subjective view with all of it, but have found my own beliefs. The Western View of religion is so ingrained in many U.S. born citizens, because our parents were raised us this way, that it is really hard to lose it even when you know true reality, what is really occurring all arounds us and in the other Realms (at least to a certain extent). For example, I am finally saying thank goodness instead of thank God. That was a hard habit to break, and I still slip sometimes. I believe I have been traversing the Samsara for millions of years but also think I am really going to jump when this existence ends if I continue my path as I have for the last 2+ years. I was once. Some may think this is crazy, but I believe it to be true. When I asked YHVH for a sign I never saw enlightenment being that sign... Think about that...

Now lets get back to what I was originally talking about, that being the reason I like this tile so much. I think I have explained the first part well enough and went off topic well enough [lol]. Now to the last word, finally... This also holds multiple meaning for me. I am so glad that my religious thought process has finally changed, that I know true reality, that I found the philosophy/religion that I was always searching for so desperately, and that I found the Teacher(s)... the Buddhas [], as well as other meanings. It has seemed like a long transition and really it hasn’t been considering the situation. I broke a 23 year view that I will always be surrounded by in less than 3 years so I think that is pretty good. It is a less usual transition than vice versa really. Mostly what I had always heard [given this info comes during my 23 year Judeo-Christian period. I have not researched this since my “enlightenment” 2+ years ago.] that people that were born with Eastern religion being ingrained in them transitioning to Western Religion was way more frequent than what happened to me. However, you have to find the religion that is best for you, as I have mentioned on this blog so may times before. The bottom line it is what makes you the best person you can be and that others benefit from it as well.

No matter what religion you are I think ascension is possible. My father was not a Buddhist, and I know he was either reincarnated as a Human or higher even though he was not a Buddhist and knew nothing about it. He is definitely not a Poodle, lol. I believe this because of his generosity and his care for people. He may have not have been perfect, but there are no humans that are, however, people benefited from what he did and he went through so much suffering in stride, in hindsight, it is only logical that he ascended to another realm, or at a minimum came back as a Human and will endure a lot less suffering than he did when he was my father. 

My mother was a white witch in her very young years then converted to Christianity and embodied the values of Christ which is a good thing no mater how you look at it, for decades. Then over a decade ago she converted to Messianic Judaism, which I think was a step back because the personal benefit and the numbers of people that were made better by her religious belief were decreased dramtic. She was a great Christian, too pushy but that was the only religious practice flaw during that time period. I wish she would see that. Her search for truth derailed what is most important, which is helping others in one way, shape, or form. Though, I still think ascension will happen because I think her Karmic merit is very high even now.

Well, I think that was a really good post and I hope that you walkaway with something that creates some type of good constructive thought. Believing in something that is bigger than you.

The Logical Spiritualist, the first...

Friday, May 25, 2012


Hello Readers, I hope you are all well. It has been the longest amount of time since I started this Blog in between posts, I think... Well, that being said we will just get on with it. Enjoy!
It seems lately that I have had severe writers block given the time gap. Actually, maybe it has been because I had nothing to talk about regarding this Blog’s topic, per se. Whatever it may have been I do have something to say now, sort of... If you say Atheists do not know anything about religion you would be dead wrong as I have pointed out that out previously, Google it. They statistically know the most about your religion than you do... Another unique and related fact is one that I have also mentioned before, typically the higher educated you are the less likely you are to practice a Faith. I find that stat very interesting... but I digress, let me get to the thing I want to say versus things I constantly repeat... 
I have recently been to being a complete Atheist in my mind, but to many I am already, but I am in a unique situation as my closets beliefs are Eastern and God(s) are less, or not at all, important, or a factor in religious practice for many. I do believe in Gods (devas) in the higher levels of the Samsara, however, there is not 1 deity that has making everything happen for the past 14 billion years. As what I and many others refer to it as is a belief in 1 and only “Creator God.” If there is and he/she allows suffering like there is in this plain that I would not have good feelings about that deity and you are suppose to blindly follow him and be willing to die or kill for that? You are crazy if you feel that way. If we are like him why the suffering monotheists? The proof truly is in the pudding and we have a very clean container in that regard (facts), at least that is how I feel.
Sorry about the above rant, I try to always look at it subjectively but I am proof of a fact no one can deny, I am not perfect. Okay, back to looking at things with a subjective perspective... 
I feel torn in my belief structure at the moment. Actually to the point of coming up with my own Faith, which is actually the root reason for this Blog in the very beginning but the manifesto never came forth... or maybe it did and I did not catch it... we will never know... and who cares? However, that is what is happening. I believe in that religious truth is an equation and the all religions out there in some ways answers some of the equation, some a lot more than others, but none are truly are the solution to the equation and I am not sure if we will ever find one... and only time will tell... Who knows I might burn in Hell or be on a high plain after this life. Will I even know? I do not know... and I do not think I need to in order to believe it or it to be true, or of it being possible to be fact, as many of the things you believe may be too, until disproven by science. I am a good person so logically I should go to a better place, as in my word there is a big ladder to climb (Samsara), that is how I look at it. 
Sorry this post was so short and for the lack of substance... it really sucked, in my opinion, but was a decent attempt to break my writers block. Hopefully I will find that spark again and write a post that will be thought provoking... again time will tell...
The Logical Spiritualist
Est. 1981
BTW... No disrespect to anyone’s Faith, seriously...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Unnecessary Wrath of Organized Religion

Hello readers and welcome back! It has been some time due to various reason. One, life has been busy, and two, work has been just as much so and then some... That consumes a lot of time... Also depleting my ability to write. I have been searching for weeks for a blog post idea that I knew would not be terrible and would help Readers want to find there path, whatever it may be. Here is an attempt... Enjoy...
What has been the bane of man’s own exist since we became civilized? Who has the most control, and some people’s desire to have as much as possible no matter the loss... More people have died since we became civilized which was a long time ago, not in the grand scheme of things, but in human history anyway, because of religion than any disease humankind has ever had combined. That statistic should alarm you. It should make it you think differently, at least a little. Religion has been used as thee most effective method of control. <My readers know I do not reject any belief, only parts scientifically disprove, or mean any disrespect, I just point out a perspective> Think about it. The Crusades, the Inquisition, The Salem Witch Trials, and so many other means of causing countless legions of people to died by so many terrible tortuous ways... For what you may ask, or just an idea! That makes me sick to my stomach. I will give the followers of Abraham credit though, it has gotten better through the many centuries (millenniums even) overall, but there are still millions upon millions of “crazies”, just no mass murderers, well with those kind of numbers anyway. The Pagan and Abrahamic religions where the means of most of that death became common place for so so long. Now granted there were many others [Faiths] resulting in death for conversion, or whatever, they just do not have the numbers as the previous ones mentioned. This is fact, I am sorry, but it is, research it. Now I am not just pointing out these terrible things to rip on either or any part of any sects of either [Faiths] of the above mentioned, as I believe there are many paths to God(s)/Bliss/Whatever, what I am trying to do is drill down to is a deeper point, this is just what I passed while I dug that is noteworthy... I think religions are only a variable in an equation. The more significant variable being organization, which causes an unwanted solution to said equation. This author, and many others, think that all the death could have been avoided if it were not for organized religion. Religion is a great thing but when it is highly organized there is so much potential of something terrible to happening. History is an extensive record of this for millenniums...
The more organizational structure that a religion has typically have perverted their holy book(s) the most, and required rituals that are not mentioned. They only serve one purpose but that could be replaced with something secular and that is giving to the needy and helping out in general, which we already have instances of (i.e. Salvation Army, Goodwill, and more). However, there is one religion that I can say their structure and organization have done them well and everyone they have helped. They being The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They do more to help the needy than any religious organization per capita, that I do admire, which proves its possible, and many more Faiths need to figure out how they do it and apply it to their own. They also have another statistic that is unique, another thing other Faiths should find out how its done is their followers staying devoted to the practice of their Faith after going far in college (gaining Masters Degrees and Ph.Ds) and in are in complex career fields. In nearly every Faith the more educated a person gets the less they practice their Faith, or they stop practicing at all. This is something all other Faiths should figure out as it would hep retain their numbers. Sorry got distracted... The door knocking stuff isn’t bad when you say you converted to Eastern Thought after 23 years in a Faith that was Bible bound. They usually are really nice and then they are on their way. Is that their secret? It does not appear to work for Jehovah’s Witnesses but whatever...
Anyway, Sorry what John Smith created, by however so, got me side tracked, that should have made you think if you were not already aware, but I digress, you and you alone must walk your path as You see fit. No matter how many forks may be in the road just keep on going. You must chose what you think is right and you alone. Do not let anyone sway you know matter who or what they are. There is no wrong choice if the Faith does not hurt you or anyone else and does the opposite helping yourself and others to the fullest extent then, and only then, you have succeeded in finding Your path... I think it would surprise you how many truly do not have succeeded in this due to some type of pressure and/or influence. I think I finally did though, it certainly made a dramatic improvement in my thinking in the least anyway. Even now subscribing to my current idea of my Logical Spiritualism (Mahayana Buddhism (no specific school), Taoism, and some personal “homegrown” beliefs) I practice alone. I have no Sangha, I think with today’s technology I do not think it is needed. Walls are not required, and for the best affect tear down any walls that may exist if you already has one. Chose how you want to practice your Faith as well, just choose what you know is best. You can assemble but when you create a hierarchy within a Faith it usually leaves a bad taste in a given person’s mouth at some point during their devotion. I respect the Dali Lama and think he is truly a manifestation of Avalokiteśvara, and could very well have shared different parts of the mindstream that  has now dated back 14 generations... It is totally possible, the current Dali Lama H.H. Tenzin Gyatso is a great man, and a great author for more people than those just in the Buddhist Sangha. There is some organization there but not much, the structure is not rigid causing it to waiver from what their religion is all about like so many others do...
There I went again one a rant, that is what happens apparently when you really want to blog but have struggle so much lately with a topic to write on... 
Keeping you thinking, I hope anyway, since 2010, personally since 1981, ;-)
Find your own way,
The Logical Spiritualist  

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pray The Gay Away

Hello Readers and welcome back. I have had writer’s block the last few weeks... I have wrote several paragraphs on several occasions... but truthfully I have been so worn down and torn down I just could not write. I am searching for a topic as I am writing this preface. So lets see how this goes... Enjoy!
One topic I have never hit on in this blog is homosexuality, actually I have never brought it up in verbal or in written communication, ever. This is the first time I have ever brought it up without it already coming into conversation prior from someone else. I am 100% sure about that now that I have given it heavy thought, wow that is crazy. As many of you know, if you have read any other posts, I followed Judeo-Christianity Faiths for 23 years (first 13 years as a Spirit-Filled Christian, then the last 10 years as a Spirit-Filled Messianic Jew (as a gentile)) so you may be able to guess about how I felt about homosexuality then. I hated it... I hated them (the people themselves) too... I looked at them as demon possessed people who could be “set free”. With all the prejudices that these Faiths gave me I think this was probably was the prejudice in particular that had the most hate behind it. I would call them very inappropriate names behind their back in company of people with equal Faiths and all would laugh, it was always socially acceptable. This should not be acceptable in today’s times. Yes, nearly all religions, big and small, looks poorly at homosexuality in ever way possible but most scriptures from all major religions are at least 1000 to 1200 years ago... Yes, there are Faiths that are not that old (e.g. LDS, The Bahá'í Faith, etc.) that I still respect but just follow my reasoning... A millennium ago these base scriptures were written at the latest (thinking of Mohammed as the latest, obviously there were some prior by other Faith patriarchs) and that kind lifestyle was not understood like today and was hidden yet and was probably just as common then, especially given ancient Roman/Greek literature, it was just hidden then... Only until recently has being gay became socially acceptable, and there is still a significant amount of population that does not think it is acceptable. It is probably a 50/50 split in the U.S. The LGBT Community has worked very very hard to get what they have with a change of a lot of people’s perspectives amongst other huge strides for their community.
In hindsight, I cringe at that the way I used to view gay people, however, with my “enlightenment” in the end of 2010 my perspective changed, greatly. Just as I now accept everyone’s religion no matter how strange it may be to me I too now respect the gay community. I look at everyone as an equal, regardless of anything, and they should have equal rights in their countries. In the past I voted for bills making it illegal for gay people to wed in my state in the past, that will change as well (Another bill has not came up since late 2010 but there will be). I truly do not think it is a choice, demon, whatever, or all of the above. I truly think they are born that way. I have read studies that point to that is how some are just wired essentially. I knew a gay person in the past and they did not want to be but they were, and still are, or at least a decade ago when I heard about him last.
For those of you that think you can “Pray the Gay Away” are incorrect, in my opinion, and you are entitled to your own, but I will say I saw many people pray out the gay for 23 years and it never went away, hidden at best in one case in 23 years. You can pray for brain rewiring but I think you would have better luck convincing me that that we do not have a moon or that I am a picture frame. I met one person within the now infamous 23 years that said he was no longer gay that I mentioned briefly above. I think he convinced himself he was straight because if it walks, talks, and still acts like a penguin it is highly unlikely he has became a eagle due to prayer. Seriously though, I think he did it because he cared for a woman who was very religious, and his future father in-law, a pastor, who “Prayed The Gay Away”, married his daughter to this gay man who had submitted to their wants ignoring his apparently, though it did take several years of prayer before he said he was not gay anymore. They have children too, which he uses as proof if you talk to him about it but if you would met him in the street you would have to convince anyone that this man was straight, even with the children I was not fooled. At this time in my life I wanted to believe him, as he would proof that it was a demon, but I have watched his eyes, not sure why but I did, and they were always glued to guys and in no manner I have ever a straight man do for any reason. The man needs to be himself and not live a lie for any reason. He is an African-American too and within that community their is still a huge gay stigma based on what I have seen and read so that could be yet another factor that caused him to live a lie. I just know I have to be myself a straight, crazy, religious, software engineer in test, who loves to blog about my religious path since shortly after my “Enlightenment.”
Some advice coming from a straight male in my 30s to religious parents. If you have a son or daughter that comes out to you be accepting no matter whatever your personal beliefs are, religiously or otherwise. If you push them away or dare to go to the “Pray The Gay Away” route your child will do 1 of 2 things, 999,999 out of 1,000,000 times, 1, they will resent you and your relationship will cease to exist at all or will be extremely strained at the very best, or 2, they will do something stupid and everyone will lose them, ending in tragedy. So make your choice wisely because it is important, to a lot of people not just you.
Just a reminder. My favorite quote that I conjured up, “Stay open-minded it gives you room to move around.” 
Oh, and be tolerant to others because others are tolerant to you.
The Logical Spiritualist

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Perspectives, Perspectives, Perspectives...

Preface 1: Hello Readers and welcome back! We are approaching the 1,000 mark for views on my Blog so that tells me that people really care for what I have to say... or that they really disagree but I have had no one say anything negative so I will assume all is well... I hope that that is not that latter. I thought I would make use of sitting in a hospital recliner and try to put my time to good use. 
Preface Part 2: Half of this was written in said recliner and the other was written at home after a hernia surgery that had a very bad outcome for a former step-father in-law, who really helped raise my wife in some very important years of his life... Even though he has the craziest beliefs anyone of us have ever hear, seriously I have indirectly pointed aspects of his belief system, two words, David Icke, yeah that crazy... Poor guy was self-induced his own brain brainwashing... well anyway no one deserves a bad reaction that feels like a heart attack... He is now at home recovering though so that is good. Enjoy!
As someone may think he just want to see numbers on his Blog increase and this The Logical Spiritualist ”crap” is just a means of doing so, by reading the above preface 1. For those loyal Readers you know that is not true. This is a way of expressing my perspective(s) on spirituality/religion and how I feel about any topic that sparks interest in me for any reason, from any religion. I mean no disrespect by giving my perspective towards any Faith, and I respect all Faiths since this Blog started, truthfully it has been about 6 months longer than that really... Feel free to believe anything you want as long as it does not hurt yourself or others. Better yet, believe anything that makes you a better person and that benefits anyone around you more and more everyday. That is what I subscribe to and always will. If my spiritual beliefs are not benefiting me or anyone else anymore I will have to mix up the routine, however, since my “enlightenment” in late 2010, it has always benefited me and more people around me than ever before following The Buddha.
That is how this Blog started, from the event mentioned above, how just like when The Buddha was Enlighten... I see the world for what it truly is... AND in no means am I saying I reached Buddhahood but I am pretty certain if I follow the Dharma the way I see fit, for myself, I will be a heck of a lot higher on the Samsara than I am now on my next rebirth. Again, this is my belief, you can disagree and say Buddhism is crap, that is your opinion, but do suggest “doing your homework” before making such statement or you will look even more ignorant by doing so. Just like I would if I did not if I did not do my homework when I point flaws out in Faiths that make me reject them. Now... Just because I reject them does not mean you should necessarily.
Most people who are avid about their faith, I am speaking more to Abrahamic Faith at this point, whichever it may be, would like you to think there is only one way and it’s theirs, but I find that to be incorrect and have 23 years of my life that is living proof. YOU pick what religion works for you!... I know that is a bold statement but a faith I followed for 23 years did me less good than one of 1.5 years so you do the math... Select one that you think is right and run with it and if turns out that the religion you picked is not working after you have been following it long enough to know then convert to something else. There are many many paths to God(s), Nirvana, Bohdi, whatever, my friends and Readers... You just have to find YOUR path, whatever it may be, and stay open-minded and tolerant to all other beings. I see no wrong there. 
For those of you who believe in a “Creator God”, is the only reason you do things is because you want to get yourself to heaven or so your God will be proud of you helping someone? If so why? I think it is universal good morale, or intuition, embedded in any good that what your doing is good. For example do you go feed the homeless are you doing that to appease your God or because you care for other enough to help those who need it? If it is not the latter you are a sinner... Being selfish is a sin... Do you feel really good about it? Like way too good about it? Like you are better than others or even have a little pride? I think you just chalked up some more sins... See where I am going with this? You should be selfless... just as Moses, Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed... There are many others to that have been truly selfless I just mentioned the bigger names. Their actions in their scriptures speak louder than the words they stated were said by whomever. At least in this author’s opinion. That is what is relevant people. You need to love thy brother just because they need you too. Without question, without reason, you just should help others when the opportunity is there and it does no harm to you in any way. Plus you need to help yourself along with it. Being spiritually healthy by which every religion works for you is essential, at the level that works for you too, and then your good.
Friends think hard about what I have mentioned... What would the people in you hold n the highest regard do? Just think about it... Here is something that someone said that I hold in the highest of regard:
"Don't blindly believe what I say. Don't believe me because others convince you of my words. Don't believe anything you see, read, or hear from others, whether of authority, religious teachers or texts. Don't rely on logic alone, nor speculation. Don't infer or be deceived by appearances."
"Do not give up your authority and follow blindly the will of others. This way will lead to only delusion."
"Find out for yourself what is truth, what is real. Discover that there are virtuous things and there are non-virtuous things. Once you have discovered for yourself give up the bad and embrace the good."
-The Buddha
My Teacher I think said it best above. Everyday I understand more and more why I am a Buddhist and wear a crystal mala everyday (Swarovski crystal actually, 108 ct. with amber crystal separators and a tassel, it was a gift from my wife, I love it), I actually have 3 others 108s. One Sandalwood with a double unique “tassel”, another which is one bone (actually plastic made to look like bone) with a tassel, and finally a Hematite with Tiger’s Eye (Yellow) separators with a snake-knot and I actually have a Dharma Wheel counter on that one. I never used the counter for what they are for, which is for keeping count of Mantra recitations. I keep it folded just passed one bead to remind me I could be a cause of suffering in someone’s life and to do everything I could not to be. It helped me find my way when I was just starting to learn to walk in my new faith.
Do want YOU need to do and not want others try to influence you too. If it requires influence in the first place... well my friend it just is not what you may need... The quicker you learn that the better for you and everyone around you... and that’s a big win no matter how you look at it. 
Just make sure you do your due diligence before following a Faith, and really think it through... it is your live(s) we are talking about here. Make YOUR right decision. 
Keeping those gears in the brain turning since 1981,
The Logical Spiritualist 

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sorry For Spoiling The Ending But...

Hello Readers and welcome back! I hope you all have been well, I know I haven’t been, but that is another topic. This is an impulse write so hopefully it will be decent and at least make you think, even if it is about how much you disagree with me. Enjoy!
Science has brought us many things but one thing it has not is closer spirituality, well I might be the exception and others like me but we are few in number... That is abundantly apparent. With nearly ever Faith with a somewhat dated timeline of creation science has disproved at least as far as the creation myths ever happened like canon said they did. I am sorry to those who did not like the previous statement but we have proof... do you?... There are few [religions] science not has proved all, or most of, whatever your holy scriptures said happen at the time of creation... The Big Bang is no longer a theory it is proven, and a great TV show, and we we can tell because the universe is still expanded and by calculating the expansion rate and then going backwards... or something to that effect. That is why we know the universe’s age is 13.75 ± 0.11 billion years old. I am sorry that most people follow Faiths that only date humans at 6,000 - 10,000 years old and that we know that homo sapiens have been around 200,000 years, and again we have proof of this. At a minimum you have to realize that these scriptures are metaphoric in nature, if not your a fool. 
However, ladies, gents, and germs that does not discount the rest of your religious scriptures and beliefs, you just cannot take your religions creation myth literally that’s all. Oh, better yet stop stop playing “guess when the world is going to end” game, Your End of Days garbage and I do not care what Faith you are, you could believe in aliens, it really makes no difference to me. That crap really annoys me... The most likely way the human species will die out will be due to 1 of 3 factors or a combination of more than 1 of the 3. 1, we blow ourselves or each other up, 2 by some type of space phenomenon (i.e. a meteor), and/or 3 some type of huge natural disaster (i.e. Yellowstone blowing it’s top). There will be no divine intervention we will just go extinct just like so many species before us. Sorry kids to spoil the ending but that’s how I see it and anybody with a decent amount of logic floating around in their heads. I hate the following phrase “end of days” implying an Armageddon in a spiritual sense, meaning a WWIII is totally plausible but there will be nothing supernatural on the battlefield. Sorry I just don’t feel it and neither do a lot of people who exercise logical thought. I feel things I know are going to come to pass... you know intuition, everyone has it... and my friends I was fool in a Faith where for most of the time I was told when we all were going to go. First it was by the rapture, then Y2K, then this, that, or another. Sorry for the rant but seriously?... Karma will catch up to false prophets...
Some Readers may think I am constantly bashing the Abrahamic Faiths and that is not my intention at all. It is to help give you a larger perspective and hope that you stay open-minded to the possibility that not everyone else is wrong at least about something that has to do with human life. The above rant wasn’t directed directly at sects within the just mention Faiths, I mean all that have a timeline to creation and/or have something apocalyptic that followers are always trying to put a date on. Just stop... think positive... The Pope said he believes in aliens... If you do not believe me look it up. 
You know one thing that did always bother me about Christianity specifically? I was always told that if you did not know and follow Jesus you would burn in a fiery lake. So I would ask what if some people didn’t know about him or have the Bible as a child. The answer I got  was “there is a church on nearly every corner.” Even as a child that did not sit well with me. What happened to the Mayans then, just because missionaries did not make them in time they have to burn for eternity? What about all the people before him or could have never known his message? I have never got a fitting answer to this question, especially “we just aren’t meant to know everything”. That is the answer you get when the person answering the question has no freaking clue what the answer even could be. It is because it does not fit in the paradigm that you are placing that Faith in. “I do not know” is a much better reply, that is acceptable and most within the Faith have accepted that you have to take some of the Bible metaphorically. There are still some that do not even within the U.S. and other Christian heavy countries and to be frank... that scares the hell out of me.
Anyway back on track, if I was every on one... take what science has proved and you can believe whatever else you want about everything else. It is not proven it is always up for debate. In some situations even with proof things are still up for debate... hint hint. 
I hope I got you thinking and remember. I respect all Faiths and do not mean any disrespect. If you are better yourself and other through it you are good in my book.
Keeping you thinking since 1981...
The Logical Spiritualist 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The God Gene, Going Against The Grain, And Being In The East

Hello Readers and welcome back! I was posting like crazy there for awhile but realized that I was lacking passion for the posts, and lacking thought inducing content which I strive for in every post. I think this is because I was thinking for a topic instead of a topic searching for me... wait, well close enough. Enjoy!
I was reading the other day about something, I cannot remember title or original subject, but it had to do with our brains already being predisposed in believing in a higher power (i.e. God(s)) through genetics even before we are born. This has been referenced as the God Gene (specifically VMAT2) by it’s founder geneticist Dean Hamer, who has also done groundbreaking work in the areas of  biotechnology and AIDS prevention, as well as his research on the genetics of human behavior including sexual orientation and spirituality. He has also wrote numerous books, but the one that is relevant here is The God Gene: How Faith Is Hardwired into our Genes published in 2004.
Obviously Dean’s work regarding this has came under great scrutiny by well... nearly everyone because of this or that depending on who the criticizer is. This gene has been studied thoroughly and according to his hypothesis (which now in 2012 there is much more proof of this being more than just a hypothesis) produces the sensations associated, by some, with mystic experiences, including the presence of God or others, or more specifically spirituality as a state of mind. I am not going to go any deeper into the science behind it but you are more than welcome to check out Wikipedia’s entry about the God Gene , which is where some of this info came from, that and their references.
Hamer mention’s in his book mentioned above that “Just because spirituality is partly genetic doesn't mean it is hardwired” and that is hard to disagree with completely or there would be no Atheists, as well as other religions that do not really focus on a “Creator God”. I am living proof that the above quote is truly absolute, . It took me 23 years (76.667% of my life) to realize that a belief in a “Creator God” was making me toxic, I was doing no good to myself or anyone else following down a path with blind faith and coincidences (or at least not what I thought it was). A “Creator God” is irrelevant to the sole purpose that religion provides, well the only important one in this author’s eyes, that being you should be strive to have all aspects of loving-compassion towards yourself and all others, regardless. Yes, there are special scenarios that would make this difficult, but exclude anything that may be harmful to you (e.g. it might not be a good idea to give a homeless person a place to stay without previously knowing them because they might kill you in your sleep), which is why the above statement says yourself and others... If you are just doing good deeds just because you are scared to go to a “bad place” in the afterlife, or next life depending on the reader’s perspective, then do not do it at all because that is the worst possible reason to try and embody pure loving-compassion. Do it because that is just what we are supposed to do... help others without question... without a reason that is selfish...
I thought it was purely Western Society and upbringing that was the primary reason for not being able to shake “Western” religious thought even though I was going and believing in Eastern and had been for nearly a year and still was trying to shake same of those core ideals off. Even now some of the Western thought has not went away even though my idea of Logical Spiritualism has Buddhism at it’s core. However, this is why I am a Logical Spiritualist, I pick and choose from whatever religion or religious idea to form what is most logical for me and provides the most benefit to myself and others... and would recommend everyone do the same, and who knows yo may already be where you need to be, but that likelihood is low, or at lest appears to be.  
Anyway, I do think there is something to the God Gene as everyone in my family was religious, except for my Dad and that was only to a certain extent, he was just not nuts over it and had a broad ideal on sin, per se, and my mother is one of thee most religious people you will find who follows The Bible. So genetically that would be passed down me correct, especially since everyone else in my large family was Christian. Yeah, I think is was more than just upbringing and breaking habitual thought with something that seems a little foreign. I think it is plausible that was the reason I could not let go of some of the Western ideas until long after changing direction to Eastern Thought. In the future I know that question will be possibly answered with an answer that has undoubtably truth behind it... 
Keep the gears rotating since 1981...
The Logical Spiritualist

Monday, January 23, 2012

Bad Habits, Active Meditation, & A Quote

Hello Readers and welcome back! I have been trying to write more and more but finding a topic to really work with at this frequency is not easy so when a thought hits you must jump... and this is me taking said leap... Enjoy!
One attribute that I always have had is getting vengeance.... Yeah, not such a good attribute but I get irate when I am, or a loved one, is wronged and will plot something against the antagonist that will hit him/her ten times over, even if it takes years to execute... I know that sounds crazy but I was one that made sure everyone that needed to get theirs got theirs... In hindsight it seems like I was getting to them before Karma could, and that was not good... As you may have imagined I have paid for it in a variety of ways, but ultimately think I have paid for all my mistakes I have made in the entire existence of my mindstream  (what non Buddhists might consider a soul, but with reincarnation, click the link for more Wiki's definition of the Mindstream), which is what led to my “Enlightenment” back in the end of 2010... I am not sure why I think that but do so for some reason. Getting back to the topic at hand, sorry for the digression, when you have had this quality for a long time it is hard to break like any bad habit. It has helped me to think of Karma when I get the feeling of plotting to do something bad to someone because of something they did to me or someone else... I have always believed in Karma, I just called it “You Reap What You Sow” for 23 years instead of its proper name, Karma... It is still hard for me to not get the immediate satisfaction of revenge though, but that is what Buddhism is all about... continuous improvement... It has helped but I still find the need to want to beat Karma to it but do not anymore... so I think I have extinguished a bad attribute...
One thing I am constantly working on is controlling all emotions, thought processes, and really generally anything that comes from the mind. The mind is thee most powerful thing in the universe(s) in my opinion. You can overcome anger, sadness, any negative emotion or thought and replace it with compassion, rightfulness, any positive emotion or thought. It comes with a lot of practice, technique, and various other factors... You really can do anything you put your mind to... One thing that has helped me be able to get closer to this ultimate goal and that is taking whatever happens in any situation and giving it some thought before making any action whatsoever (speech or otherwise). It gives you a little more time to decide the proper way to react to something. To not “jump the gun”. Meditation helps with this. Also keep in mind for those of you that are very busy that active meditation is just as effective and you do not have to be a Buddhist to do it and it be effective. Google “Active Mediation while doing other things” and you will find ways to train your mind to reduce your own personal suffering (I mean suffering in the Buddhist sense as known as Dukkha Wiki's definition of Dukkha) while going through your normal day. Not only does this reduce suffering but it makes you a better person overall from any perspective. 
99.999% of my meditation after taking Buddhism as my Foundation Faith (See Blog post called “A Foundation Faith?... The First Building Block of Complex Religious Perspective...”) has been active meditation. I actually did non-active meditation before subscribing to a theology/religion/idea that highlights the importance of meditating... I know, weird huh?... You might have thought it to the other way around before that but that is how it worked out... Funny how some things just happen or work out a certain way. Any type of meditation is good, even done generally (no religious influence, per se). You can dig deeper in with traditional meditation techniques instead of active meditation but you will still benefit in ways that are amazing just through active meditation alone.  There is even ways to meditate to find out what you were and even what plane of the samsara you were on (Past Life Meditation Website).
Reflection and redirection of thoughts and actions through analysis done in meditation helps you be a better person in every way and encourage you all to take a look into A Link To a Site Dedicated to Meditation Analysis.
“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” - The Buddha
Keeping the mind moving since 1981
The Logical Spiritualist

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Forgotten Knowledge that Remains So and Always Will… Knowingly...

Hello Readers and welcome back! I actually half finish another post last night but after thinking about it I was not going to continue it. I have to finish it within the same session or it just turns into crap... so here we go, brand new topic and hopefully a better piece the the previous would have been... Enjoy!

Most that will be reading this know that there has been shows on various cable networks that highlight a “forgotten knowledge”. Knowledge that the Egyptians, for example, had but the knowledge seemed to disappear until we exited the Dark Age. That is the majority of time civilization has existed... That is crazy when you think about it in such terms... We still do not know how The Pyramids were built for sure. That example highlights exactly what I am talking about. The theories of how they were built goes from just a mass of people to aliens being involved in such manner... The sad thing is you really cannot rule anything out because we do not know how they were built given the age. Could it have been done by the blunt force with huge amounts of manpower?... Maybe, wow... Nonetheless they were still ahead of their times by thousands of years... Then all civilizations go to hell for thousands of years... what gives?... I think we did lose something and it definitely was knowledge... but will we ever find it again... maybe?... but even if we do I doubt we will know it. Making it truly forgotten knowledge...
Maybe we were visited by something “other worldly”, but I doubt they are from another planet though. I think it would have been like a dimensional divide of the samsara. The definition of dimension here including a “different” plane... a higher or maybe lower than our own. Weird view huh? You have something better? If so by all means let me know... Until we have solid proof of some type all theories remain just that... theories... So known should be dismissed, only pondered I suppose...
I do know one thing, I want to see one! I have met several people who have said they have seen then once or even many times, but all of their “word” is subject to scrutiny due to other “inconsistencies”. But really I want to see a freaking UFO up close and personal... I really want to just to be able to make a better guess, if nothing else, of what they really are, and to at least be able to prove they are not “visitors” from afar. What I am really getting at is that I think this is a piece of the forgotten knowledge. Given some of the hieroglyphics in Egypt I think they knew more than we did about whatever they are. I know that is p in the air but I also know we have proof of some type of phenomenon up in the air too...
So of the forgotten knowledge is the complete picture of where we (human beings) came from. We have never found a true missing link and that opens even more speculation from where we came from too. However, that is an entire different topic that is huge and for this post should just be a footnote...
One thing that annoys me to no end is the people that think they know, or have found, the forgotten truth... because it is completely illogical and more often than not idiotic... Aliens did not drop us off, sorry it did not happen. The Anunnaku were what the ancient Sumerian saw as gods, they were not aliens. What were they I do not know but they were not aliens from a very distant planet... There are know reptilian super-races that rule the world and all the money on the planet either. AND FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING HOLY THE ILLUMINATI IS NOT WHAT YOU THINK IT IS!!! It was a secret fraternity that has been gone since 1800 at the latest... However, there is something that should raise an eyebrow and that is the closest thing you will ever have to an modern Illuminati. That being 3 different entities. 1st the Trilateral Commission, 2nd the Bilderberg Group, 3rd the Council on Foreign Relations. The combination of these 3 groups have really guided most of the world since the 80s, and even earlier. Even I believe this because there has been proof, the surge in gas prices is just one example. Look the 3 up and use your best judgment of what you read but these 3 groups make me very nervous as an citizen of any country as they seem to have a world wide reach. The combination of power and influence these 3 groups reach far and is scary but their is no one world order being brought forth any time soon. I am not ruling that possibility (one world order/government) from happening I just only see it in a somewhat peaceful in the end that does not bring forth what the Book of Revelation. In my view, when Christianity spread to become the largest it was fulfilled (I mean no disrespect, just my view). The horror the Saint John spoke of was what came with Nero and corrupt Popes and what wars were to come (WW I, WW II, etc.) in the future [where Armageddon was supposed to take place there has been more bloodshed there than anywhere else on the planet to date] and the Bible is the most published and read book in the world and has been for over 1000+ year. What the Saint saw has already come to pass and still is but past the point where most, if not all, Christian think we are. Again just my opinion and respect yours.
So... at the end of the day will the forgotten knowledge always remain unknown? Yes, but we will find out more answers to great questions that may make up what the forgotten knowledge was, with us not even knowing it. One day we will know it all... and  think that will be the most beautiful day for all of humanity and science... However, we can always wish to be fully “Enlightened” (not necessarily from a Buddhist perspective either, at least directly). 
Hoping that the forgotten knowledge will be remembered since 1981.
The Logical Spiritualist
Keeping the mind winding virally since the beginning of 2010...