Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Pocket Dalai Lama

Yes folks, the exhausted Test Automation Engineer/Project Manager is posting this week even though with the hectic work schedule this week has seemed to be (different work from home days, a death in the family, and a funeral too).

Anyway...I went to Borders Books (1 of the 200 stores closing due to bankruptcy)  in Mason today due to sales and picked up a couple small books, one of which was The Pocket Dalai Lama by Shambhala Pocket Classics. This is a good little book...When they say "Pocket" they are not kidding. This little book with fit in about any shirt pocket or pants pocket...Anyway they have quotes and small speech exerts about a wide range of topics but one struck me as extremely interesting (I had heard this in summary along time ago but now finally I have confirmation it is true).

In a chapter of this little book called Religion, Religions, and No Religion the Dalai Lama is quoted as saying,

"I think it is quite possible that a person who is basically a Christian, who accepts the idea of a God, who believes in God, could at the same time incorporate certain Buddhist ideas and techniques into his/her practice. The teaching of love, compassion and kindness are present in Christianity and also in Buddhism...While remaining committed to Christianity it is quite conceivable that a person may choose to undergo training in meditation, concentration, and one-pointedness of mind, that, while remaining a Christian, one may choose to practice Buddhist ideas."

I find that ironic especially given the reversal perspective of that situation because I would think (just my opinion) that about 9,999 out of 10,000 Christians would disagree with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (as Buddhists call him).

A big part of what I think pushed me to the breaking point of my old faith construct was that the religions I had chose (or had been chosen by parents) had made me toxic and I became aware of the situation and am now attempting to follow a path to truth via Logical Spirituality.

If you are the one who likes quote books about broad topics that are inspirational or just a Buddhist I would recommend the book.

My ending thought: The Dalai Lama has a better sense of humor than the Pope...tehe...


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Religions are a Lot Like Allergies...

I was thinking just a moment ago about commuting back and forth every day this coming week and also realizing I probably won't feel like Blogging due to exhaustion primarily as well as being a proverbially monkey wrench through into my gears (routine). So I thought today I should probably Post something and this topic just flew into mind.

So the title was a bit humorous I thought but I do not get offended that easy. I draw this metaphor based on this line of reasoning...Some people catch them and it makes them toxic. From my lifelong observations this can be a commonality between both religions and allergies. I strongly believe that certain religions are meant for certain people. I know somebody may be reading this with strong convictions and is thinking I am full of shit because their way is the only right one. I thought that once too so just keep reading.

Everyone on this Rock has an idea of what a "Good Person" is...Yes, our definitions may defer in some ways but from a high level all the same themes are there. Correct? With that in mind, I have noticed that in a lot of people following a certain religion actually made them worse people than they were prior to adopting the faith...That their religion was actually bad for them as well as anyone they encountered, and would fall completely outside the lines on what a "Good Person" is by anyone's general definition. So why follow something if it makes you a bad person? I can only give the answer that held true to me, simply because I cannot, nor will I, speak for everyone. Family pressures I think was the root cause of where it began for me. I thought I had to follow the religion of my upbringing. At a young age as I grew up in a religious home, which said religion made me toxic. Now I am not blaming family pressure for any of my religious followings as an adult necessarily but I think it did point me into a certain direction for my religious adult life...that is until recently.

People need to find a religion that fits them...and that is really it in a nutshell. Your religion should make you a better person, not an even more terrible one. Only recently I have that toxic feeling and it is because with the ideals that I currently have in place make me a "Good Person". You are probably thinking well...what do you follow exactly....? That is a questions even I cannot answer at this time...but you know what.?.I am working on getting that answer. As of now I remain a Logical Spiritualist...someone following a path looking for where Logic meets Spirituality. I may always remain there, on that path...time can only answer that. I just know my religion is not making me toxic...Do you?.?.

Hopefully this got you thinking about something...what ever it may be...I believe in many ways to God...To me there are may paths to the same destination...Always keep thinking...


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Do Atheists Know More About Your Religion Than You Do?...

Yes readers I am talking about God Haters again....I am kidding....I respect Atheistic views just like any religious view. The following fact you may have known...or you may not...either way it is very interesting. Statistically, through typical random unbiased sampling as well as other means, Atheists know the most about religion than that of any religion's followers.

So what are the thoughts that rush into your mind when you read that...if you already knew this...this post still will be good so keep reading. When I saw this stat years ago and seen all the studies that backed it up I thought how is that possible, especially Catholics, I mean the very devoted ones. Recently this statistic came into very clear focus to me. Their {Atheists} study of religion is vast. They have explored and explored many religions...this is a statistic remember..I am not saying this always holds many that they have not found their truth...hence them finding no faith without truth...coming to their realization that there must be nothing. Or they thought it was crap from a young age and learned more to be able to browbeat a believer in a faith...I know they exist...I have met some...These Atheists are hypocrites. So let me say thank the eternal essence that some call God for the latter to be less in least in my experience.

I find this saddening...Both scenarios...really. I am sure their is a part of you that does least statistical their should be. I think having a religion gives you more purpose, from which that purpose humanity has suffered greatly...look up the crusades...but has benefited as well...this country was founded on Protestantism. Not having something there would make me feel as if almost all my purpose has been taken away from me. I look at it like this...There has to be something beyond this plain...I have seen that through Christianity...I was a Christian for over a decade of my life...So why cast that away? Because I thought I found the real truth...Another decade later and here we are...and now I am a self-defined Logical Spiritualist without a definition. Are you confused yet?...I am too, hence this Blog.

However, readers I think I may know a way to figure this all out. When you have looked externally for 23 years for God and you have only felt something... indescribable...and seen very little except a sense of terror in congregations. Maybe it is time to look internally? That is my new look inward for answers...some know what I mean...

I could probably keep writing and writing....okay I will but just a little more.

I think all teachers of a faith should want their followers to challenge them. You create stronger faith...and there is real power in faith...very few will argue that...I mean really if I was teaching a faith I would encourage my devoted to challenge me for the pursuit  Some religious teachers do this and I think that shows even stronger faith...This has been occurring for thousands of years. I would imagine that should count for something no matter perspective...

Okay...for the sake of this being a very good post...I think...I am going to bring it to a close...

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did ;-)

My end thought....always challenge if it will help you find proof and if the structure does not support it then get out of it before it collapses.



Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Mormons Did Something Right!

Often in Midwest America Mormons are a scarce bunch, or at least where I am from, as well as everywhere I have been in the Midwest (all big and some small cities). I think it has to do with the high amount of the Midwest being of some sort of Protestant Religion. Typically the reaction to the Mormons belief structure and rituals from a Protestant follower perspective, or one that grew up in such a household, seems preposterous, and this can be from various reasons, or just one, but it is usually never even close to good...

I think that few Midwestern Americans will, or can, fully disagree with the first paragraph, if you do, keep reading because you still may be surprised, just as much as I was, to find out my main point that is buried in this post. 

I mentioned above "or one that grew up is such a household", let me bring some clarification to what exactly I meant when I wrote that. I mean someone who grew up and had very religious parents who of course brought their children up through those means. This upbringing no matter what religion (Taoism to Wicca, and everything in between) makes you think a certain way for as long as the influence is in your life. Even after the influence has left that mind-state typically stays in one way or another until you die. Unless you strive to change it!

By now you are thinking wasn't he just talking about Mormons? <author laughs> Yes...Yes I was. The Mormons are looked upon as heretics by many in the Midwest but they have done something that no Protestant Sect ever has, having, and keeping, the highest overall amount between religions, educated and successful people. “Keeping” meaning their followers got their Secondary Education, MBA, or Doctorate educations while being a Mormon and stayed a Mormon until later life or even death. The ranking of all other religions do not even compare to any other religions. I read that in “Mormonism for Dummies” back in 2007. I found that interesting then and I still do. My perspective was one of most Midwestern Americans, now the beginning of this post is making some sense huh…? I also fall under the category of striving to break that mind-set entirely. I still think that is surprising as well, how they kept very educated and very successful people within their religion when other religions, not just Protestant Sects either, any religion.

That is another interesting fact the more education you, success does not even have to follow, you tend to shed some, if not all of what you were grown up to be by your parents. I mean this from a strictly religions perspective. So maybe the title of this post should be the “Mormonism Did Something No Religion Ever Has”.

The bigger question now is why. That would be an entirely different topic and would have too many hypothetical variables to play with and…well…I just don’t care enough to go through that, plus someone I am sure already has. I know I will never be a Mormon, I respect their faith like any other but that is not my destiny. I am going to spend a lot of time looking inward to find truth. I have other issues with it too, but those are my opinions do not ever affect respect.

Digressing a bit, I wonder why no other Religion has came close to achieving what the Mormons have with keeping the very educated in their pews from the cradle to the grave following their faith. Why do you think they have accomplished this? I personally do not know the answer, but would love to hear some, even the extremely hypothetical. Then maybe we could spread the word. Who knows right, or cares? It is an interesting statistic though…you have to admit to that!  

Another interesting fact about the Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS) (The Mormon Church) spends more money and time, than any other religious organization, helping the needy in this country as well as others. I applaud them for that and wish all religious organizations did that.

End thought: Keep you mind open, it will give you room to move around.

Side Note: type Mormon into Google and then go to images. WOW!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hope for Atheists? I Cannot Understand It...

That is a question I have never been able to answer. I am searching for the right path for me, the logical path, but I do know there is something beyond. The human spirit has too much essence and strength to just end with the last 90 second of your life after synapses in your brain stop to fire. I know there is something beyond, there has to be, and no one will convince me otherwise of that. 

Science can disprove religion all it wants, and at least to some degree to nearly all of them, from a historic time frame perspective at least. I know there is error in all sacred texts and I will tell you how. An interpretation is just a unique translation from someone. This is a fact unless you have physical proof, or equivalent of some nature, then that statement gets skewed. You see human error everyday and we all are guilty of it, that is a fact of life. Now...that leads me to how I think the sacred texts are disproved... Even a prophet can commit errors because they are as human as we are and they are taking their translation from a Higher Power. When they wrote the sacred texts the prophets of the more large religions I highly doubt they took into account all the additional translations to languages yet to be spoken and that these would be passed down for thousands of years. However, if you take any of the major religions, and some that aren't major, from a high level and do what their sacred texts tell you to you would be what most people consider an overall great person by the attributes you would possess. Now that is interesting. 

Sorry readers I have gotten on the my original topic and on to human error in religion, ironically that tends to happen. Back to my original topic (read the title if you forgot). I truly believe in a higher power with some construct. I just do not know the construct of my personal belief. I turned my back on my original beliefs because as it was it turned you into a hypocrite, a lot of religions can do that real easy. 

For those who believe in a higher power typically believe in afterlife, correct? I too share that belief. I tie my general "hope" belief in that there is something after this...the right now... I do not know if this is common or if I am just weird, probably just weird, but that is also the reason I cannot answer that question (read the title again). 

I just cannot wrap my head around a true atheist having the hope for the future for them, maybe for future generations, I could see logic there, I have hope for future generations but there is no end of the tunnel for me because I believe in some sort of life/existence beyond this plain. An Atheist's tunnel has an ending. When your dead your dead, that is it. 

I think it comes down to having the belief in a Higher Power changes your perspectives of numerous things how hope is viewed can be one. Everyone should be entitled to believe whatever they want, with no criticism, unless it harms others.  

On a side note some of my Blog Posts may have came off as me judging others, that is not the case, just mentioning things I have notice. Sorry if any feel as such.