Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Pocket Dalai Lama

Yes folks, the exhausted Test Automation Engineer/Project Manager is posting this week even though with the hectic work schedule this week has seemed to be (different work from home days, a death in the family, and a funeral too).

Anyway...I went to Borders Books (1 of the 200 stores closing due to bankruptcy)  in Mason today due to sales and picked up a couple small books, one of which was The Pocket Dalai Lama by Shambhala Pocket Classics. This is a good little book...When they say "Pocket" they are not kidding. This little book with fit in about any shirt pocket or pants pocket...Anyway they have quotes and small speech exerts about a wide range of topics but one struck me as extremely interesting (I had heard this in summary along time ago but now finally I have confirmation it is true).

In a chapter of this little book called Religion, Religions, and No Religion the Dalai Lama is quoted as saying,

"I think it is quite possible that a person who is basically a Christian, who accepts the idea of a God, who believes in God, could at the same time incorporate certain Buddhist ideas and techniques into his/her practice. The teaching of love, compassion and kindness are present in Christianity and also in Buddhism...While remaining committed to Christianity it is quite conceivable that a person may choose to undergo training in meditation, concentration, and one-pointedness of mind, that, while remaining a Christian, one may choose to practice Buddhist ideas."

I find that ironic especially given the reversal perspective of that situation because I would think (just my opinion) that about 9,999 out of 10,000 Christians would disagree with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (as Buddhists call him).

A big part of what I think pushed me to the breaking point of my old faith construct was that the religions I had chose (or had been chosen by parents) had made me toxic and I became aware of the situation and am now attempting to follow a path to truth via Logical Spirituality.

If you are the one who likes quote books about broad topics that are inspirational or just a Buddhist I would recommend the book.

My ending thought: The Dalai Lama has a better sense of humor than the Pope...tehe...


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