Sunday, February 20, 2011

Religions are a Lot Like Allergies...

I was thinking just a moment ago about commuting back and forth every day this coming week and also realizing I probably won't feel like Blogging due to exhaustion primarily as well as being a proverbially monkey wrench through into my gears (routine). So I thought today I should probably Post something and this topic just flew into mind.

So the title was a bit humorous I thought but I do not get offended that easy. I draw this metaphor based on this line of reasoning...Some people catch them and it makes them toxic. From my lifelong observations this can be a commonality between both religions and allergies. I strongly believe that certain religions are meant for certain people. I know somebody may be reading this with strong convictions and is thinking I am full of shit because their way is the only right one. I thought that once too so just keep reading.

Everyone on this Rock has an idea of what a "Good Person" is...Yes, our definitions may defer in some ways but from a high level all the same themes are there. Correct? With that in mind, I have noticed that in a lot of people following a certain religion actually made them worse people than they were prior to adopting the faith...That their religion was actually bad for them as well as anyone they encountered, and would fall completely outside the lines on what a "Good Person" is by anyone's general definition. So why follow something if it makes you a bad person? I can only give the answer that held true to me, simply because I cannot, nor will I, speak for everyone. Family pressures I think was the root cause of where it began for me. I thought I had to follow the religion of my upbringing. At a young age as I grew up in a religious home, which said religion made me toxic. Now I am not blaming family pressure for any of my religious followings as an adult necessarily but I think it did point me into a certain direction for my religious adult life...that is until recently.

People need to find a religion that fits them...and that is really it in a nutshell. Your religion should make you a better person, not an even more terrible one. Only recently I have that toxic feeling and it is because with the ideals that I currently have in place make me a "Good Person". You are probably thinking well...what do you follow exactly....? That is a questions even I cannot answer at this time...but you know what.?.I am working on getting that answer. As of now I remain a Logical Spiritualist...someone following a path looking for where Logic meets Spirituality. I may always remain there, on that path...time can only answer that. I just know my religion is not making me toxic...Do you?.?.

Hopefully this got you thinking about something...what ever it may be...I believe in many ways to God...To me there are may paths to the same destination...Always keep thinking...


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