So what are the thoughts that rush into your mind when you read that...if you already knew this...this post still will be good so keep reading. When I saw this stat years ago and seen all the studies that backed it up I thought how is that possible, especially Catholics, I mean the very devoted ones. Recently this statistic came into very clear focus to me. Their {Atheists} study of religion is vast. They have explored and explored many religions...this is a statistic remember..I am not saying this always holds many that they have not found their truth...hence them finding no faith without truth...coming to their realization that there must be nothing. Or they thought it was crap from a young age and learned more to be able to browbeat a believer in a faith...I know they exist...I have met some...These Atheists are hypocrites. So let me say thank the eternal essence that some call God for the latter to be less in least in my experience.
I find this saddening...Both scenarios...really. I am sure their is a part of you that does least statistical their should be. I think having a religion gives you more purpose, from which that purpose humanity has suffered greatly...look up the crusades...but has benefited as well...this country was founded on Protestantism. Not having something there would make me feel as if almost all my purpose has been taken away from me. I look at it like this...There has to be something beyond this plain...I have seen that through Christianity...I was a Christian for over a decade of my life...So why cast that away? Because I thought I found the real truth...Another decade later and here we are...and now I am a self-defined Logical Spiritualist without a definition. Are you confused yet?...I am too, hence this Blog.
However, readers I think I may know a way to figure this all out. When you have looked externally for 23 years for God and you have only felt something... indescribable...and seen very little except a sense of terror in congregations. Maybe it is time to look internally? That is my new look inward for answers...some know what I mean...
I could probably keep writing and writing....okay I will but just a little more.
I think all teachers of a faith should want their followers to challenge them. You create stronger faith...and there is real power in faith...very few will argue that...I mean really if I was teaching a faith I would encourage my devoted to challenge me for the pursuit Some religious teachers do this and I think that shows even stronger faith...This has been occurring for thousands of years. I would imagine that should count for something no matter perspective...
Okay...for the sake of this being a very good post...I think...I am going to bring it to a close...
I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did ;-)
My end thought....always challenge if it will help you find proof and if the structure does not support it then get out of it before it collapses.
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