Friday, January 28, 2011

Transparent Christians

If you do not have tough skin do not keep reading.

You know there is a sad situation occurring in this faith and it gets more prolific than with every passing day. That saddening thing occurring is actually a culmination of items.

One, judgement being passed by many that think there better than who they might be judging.

Two, telling people how they should live when you are defined as a walking hypocrite by the book you hold so dear, or at you are supposed to.

Three, the feeling people have once they realize the above two items apply to them.

Four, for the third item mentioned item won't be realized by 100s of millions of people.

Five, that if I listed all the items that are wrong with Christians, by their own definition, that I would still be added to this list 50 years from now at a feverish paste.

Science proves with out of a shadow of a doubt that the Bible is incorrect in its validly. Anyone can argue this statement. I know I did for over 2 decades of my life. That is how long it took me to realize that the list above was true and that is a feeling that I will never forget.

You have to realize something, those items above are completely avoidable as well, it is all about the approach, perspective, personal assumptions, and the list goes on and on.

Transparent Christians are those who say they are Christians that you can see straight through, which I am sad to say are the majority. Don't let this be you, do not think you are the answer or that you have all of them, don't act like you are holier than anyone because you aren't, and that even Christians have a to be open-minded and tolerant to other people's people belief. You know why because their faiths are just as provable as yours so who is to say they aren't the ones with the proverbial "Golden Ticket".

I understand that the Bible says defend your faith, so you should, but you should be careful in how you do so, because passing judgement is a sin. So a lot of people, well probably not a lot, but some that may be thinking that Christian theology must be illogical and cannot be practiced in any many if you are a Logical Spiritualist based on all these items mentioned, which is not true. The issue is with the prolific amount of Transparent Christians that are in the faith, and that most of them that take the spotlight on TV do fall into that category.

The Bible is a great book and advise all to read it. If you leave your life as you think the Bible tells you I think that is okay, actually I think it is great, as long as you do not become a Transparent Christian. Most true and good Christians that I have met in my life (and I have met tens of thousands at the lowest estimate) do not call themselves Christian and refrain from labels all together. I guess now you are thinking of one you know and now you are truly understanding this now epidemic issue within this faith.

So for those of you that read this and think that I have it all wrong I feel for you and will leave with a quote of my one creation.

"Having an open mind allows you the room to move around and see truth" - automatechi (The Logical Spiritualist).

~The Logical Spiritualist, also known as automatechi

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Zohar: Bringing Some Logic to Religion Since........?

If the Torah was Cliff Notes the whole body of work would be called the Zohar. The bizarre thing is that most people would not agree with me but that is because those who do not look at it hypothetically, or without their own religious getting in the way. Seriously though, if you look at the Zohar in very great detail you find Logic, there is an explanation for everything in that book that you might have had just reading the Torah, and the rest of the Tanakh (Old Testament for your Christians). You just have to believe what is presented which is the hardest part, for anyone. This is where I have issues, and never became or will ever become a Kabbalahist. However, some areas, I am still looking at and investigating from certain perspectives.

I just wanted to post and this is all I have. I huh? The bad thing is like the Talmud, the Zohar is too big of monolithic literature I could not read the whole freaking thing by the end of my life. I might have had the definition of Logical Spiritualism quite yet but at this time I think there will be some room, but it depends on the whole construct and that I am still building, bad thing is I am a procrastinator, and a busy one, yeah, go figure, so it may take awhile.

 A Very Interesting Zohar Project in St. Louis

I guess this post is not the least interesting, both in Logic or Humor, and maybe even relevance, that has been on this Blog. <gasping sigh>

Taking a journey let's see where we land, in time - automatechi

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Refuge in the Triple Gem....?.....?.....?

Through my treading through this theological "wake up" of mine, well, really, even before that, I have been attracted to the "mediation" centered religions which I cannot source the signification too. I find that to be interesting like I want to find Nirvana or something. Well, you know...maybe I do.

Another parallel is on almost all, well...on all rather, of my theological exploration, or what have you, I only looked deep into monotheistic type philosophy and sacred texts. I am still exploring just those "type" of religious thought. Maybe I need to widen my search to an even wider spectrum??? I think so.

With so many to choose from what is truth? This question did not exist in my mind until 2010. Until then I had a stern answer and you were just wrong. Your beliefs could not be true if they differed from mine. I do not know what caused my "wake up", or me finally realizing religion had to sync with Logic. Notice how I always capitalize the "L", think about that for a little while.........

Wider scope of religious exploration will be required that is for sure. I wonder how long this long journey will take. I have a feeling a lifetime. That is why there have been so little true prophets and so many false ones, the lack of religious truth.

Have not started the "Chariots of the Gods" yet but I want to I just not have been able to pick it up. I think I will chalk that down to a bit of not feeling a that great the last couple days and procrastination. However, I will reading it soon and bring forth some of my conclusions. Amazingly I did a little research on Buddhism and discovered the phrase that makes up the title of this post (minus the all the punctuation except the first period). It is based on the foundations of Buddhist tradition and practice are the Three Jewels: the Buddha, the Dharma (the teachings), and the Sangha (the community). Taking "refuge in the triple gem" has traditionally been a declaration and commitment to being on the Buddhist path and in general distinguishes a Buddhist from a non-Buddhist. I find a unique parallel between a Buddhist declaring that and a Catholic "throwing" the Sign of the Cross up. (a side note, if you have a sense of humor that is, if Catholics were a gang the Sign of the Cross would be like stackin, lol, sorry came to mind had to say, I mean write it). Until next time a thought comes to mind and I decide to write it....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Reading......

I just got the book Chariots of the Gods by Reich Von Daniken. Have wanted to read this cover to cover for a very long time. I would already would suggest this reading material though, because he is just asking a question with the title and presenting interesting artifacts and theories behind with him. I will post with my thoughts while reading. Time to take a trip....I will check in with time....;)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why are you Right?

This post may anger some, and those who it does are too ignorant, and you can work on that if you don't want to be anymore, by thinking about what I say.

Why are you right? That is an interesting question posed in any situation correct? Then let’s pose it to your religious beliefs, especially if you are a hardcore believer in whatever faith it may be. 

Most will state their faith and why it is right, and that you have to have faith. So many people of Abrahamic Religions would answer the question that exact same way, with a lot of the same themes across all the "big 3" (Christian, Judaism, Islam). However, the "big 3"'s views dramatically differ from one to another. So how do these people know there right? What if they all are? Or parts of them? Or as long as you follow the common teachings of all of the "big 3" you will go to a happy place or maybe burn in Hell, or equivalent, for a period of time, or forever. That last statement really got the mind whirling didn't it? At least it should have...let’s be cliché, if 3 and some odd billion are doing it so they can't be wrong? That was funny...or meant to don't get pissy. 

This meant to be a longer post but I am losing my interest in this topic because, I got it, had it, thought I found something else, lost it, then am struggling to find something again because I do not have intolerance in my heart like the "big 3" followers do. You can say you don't but if you are a Christian and think a Jew can go to heaven then you have intolerance and maybe even a little hate in your heart. Same goes for a Jew that thinks a Muslim isn't going to some sort of paradise if they have lived according to their Koran. 

This is the reason I am a Logical Spiritualist, because I do believe there is something beyond, I know there is a supernatural, but if you are something specific and do not "cherry-pick" the crap out of the sacred texts of all religions you are a hypocrite.

So what do you do? "cherry-pick" the crap out of the sacred texts of all religions while apply logical thought with an open mind.

2012? What About the Time Before 1939 through 1945?

I find it very interesting the hysteria in some social, media, religious, as well as other circles about the 2012 Doomsday Theories. Granted there are things that are very interesting pointing to that timeframe, but will the world end?.....I will be shocked if so, and no it won’t. Y2K was another scare, a huge one for me personally, that deserves it own posting. But I digress, I would have thought that the time before WWII and until the end of it in 1945 would have been the scariest time for any spiritualist/religious person at the time bigger than anything else. Can you image what that would have felt like going through that? Even non-Christians at that time saw an Antichrist in Adolph Hitler, and rightfully so, he was a devil by definition.
I wonder what the world would have been like if the communication channels we have now they had then? Could you have imagined the Facebook and Twitter posting would have looked like, or the Blogs…..WOW! Of course, I am through illusion entering this scenario but I am not saying I wonder what it would have been like with our technology all the way around. Think of it as just everyone had a cell phone with all the communication we do now on cell phones, but in all other aspects the world would be exactly the same. Do you think the outcome would be different?
I certainly do…I wonder how that would have played out…Do you think it would have ended up about the same…I do not. I think everything would be different very different. I might just tell you but you would have to askJ

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Afterlife..........

Heaven...and...Hell, they might have different names but they exist in nearly all religions.

In this area I like the Koran, Buddhists Texts, Hindu Texts and other thoughts about a "Hell" a lot more than some Jewish sects, all Christians, Mormons, etc. Why would a God send on of his children that he loves to an infinite amount of torture for eternity? I could see a period of punishment for those who have done wrong, but eternal damnation really was never brought up to the levels it is now in society until the Dark Ages, and really was not even spoke of until the early centuries of Christianity. If we truly had free will, in its purest form, there would not be such a large reason to live like a nun, but I digress, Free choice will be a entirely different post.

Hell be came what it did, in part, from all the medieval art work that was created and Epics like Paradise Lost. Even though it is a good read, but still. I do not think guilt should be a draw to stay in religion as so many preachers point out for a dollar, again another time. 

A side note when I typed in pictures of Hell into Google for the below picture I got 216 million hits. That just drives the above point home. 


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lifelong Student of Religion

I have studied religion just as hard as I did in college, however, I have been a student of religion since, well a little prior to be 5 years old at a guess. So needless to say I have been studying religion for longer than...well....anything else. The reason I say I started as a religious student at that age is because I became what some Christian sects refer to as becoming "spirit filled" and given the gift of "speaking in tongues" when I was 5 so I guess my first exposure to religion had to be prior, hence the time frame I gave. This is when this is the Holy Spirit, which is also called the Holy Ghost in some Christian sects, entered my life. Even in distant hindsight, this was a big life event that had occurred to me at that young age. This is my first memory, in my life, that I can recall vividly, which is big because of that significance of being my first memory in life.. Even with my "Wake-Up" earlier this year this still holds significance to me. As to why this is I must reflect and figure out what this really means to me as well as to my movement as the first Logical Spiritualist and the sojourning to create something to bridge science and religion. I do have my work cut out for me...

When you grow up in a very religious home the bible is shoved down your throat and you are told that you are right and everyone else is wrong if their beliefs vary from yours. I did not have what I can say as a true religious choice until the Wake-Up...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Grew Up in a Very Religious Home?

I grew up in a very religious home and I think I was 5 when I was "Spirit-Filled". I have went through a lot of different Christian Stances as well as most recently Messianic Judaism before the "Wake-Up" I had. This "Wake-Up" was something in my subconscious brewing since shortly after was is typically know as the "Age or Reasoning" in a lot of Christian Sects. The "Wake-Up" was realizing that I am an intelligent and Logical person and I am entitled to have my own religious beliefs. That I do not have to have anyone's approval, but my own. I am responsible for my actions and all large complex religions have made some pretty huge mistakes, so mine should be minor.

Back to the "Wake-Up", now I seem lost when I before had footing so now I have to find my footing and know my own truth. Now the even harder part begins. So let the journey begin....

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Logical Spiritualist Manifesto: The Beginning

It is easy to become a Logical Spiritualist, that is if you want it to be. You can be a patron of any other religion at the same time, however, you must apply Logic to your practicing. I will soon begin writing the The Logical Spiritualist Manifesto and would like others input to add to my thoughts and principles.Unfortunately I am a procrastinator so it will probably be 2012 before I get it published. I do want to do it though, because I think it will change so many lives.