Friday, January 28, 2011

Transparent Christians

If you do not have tough skin do not keep reading.

You know there is a sad situation occurring in this faith and it gets more prolific than with every passing day. That saddening thing occurring is actually a culmination of items.

One, judgement being passed by many that think there better than who they might be judging.

Two, telling people how they should live when you are defined as a walking hypocrite by the book you hold so dear, or at you are supposed to.

Three, the feeling people have once they realize the above two items apply to them.

Four, for the third item mentioned item won't be realized by 100s of millions of people.

Five, that if I listed all the items that are wrong with Christians, by their own definition, that I would still be added to this list 50 years from now at a feverish paste.

Science proves with out of a shadow of a doubt that the Bible is incorrect in its validly. Anyone can argue this statement. I know I did for over 2 decades of my life. That is how long it took me to realize that the list above was true and that is a feeling that I will never forget.

You have to realize something, those items above are completely avoidable as well, it is all about the approach, perspective, personal assumptions, and the list goes on and on.

Transparent Christians are those who say they are Christians that you can see straight through, which I am sad to say are the majority. Don't let this be you, do not think you are the answer or that you have all of them, don't act like you are holier than anyone because you aren't, and that even Christians have a to be open-minded and tolerant to other people's people belief. You know why because their faiths are just as provable as yours so who is to say they aren't the ones with the proverbial "Golden Ticket".

I understand that the Bible says defend your faith, so you should, but you should be careful in how you do so, because passing judgement is a sin. So a lot of people, well probably not a lot, but some that may be thinking that Christian theology must be illogical and cannot be practiced in any many if you are a Logical Spiritualist based on all these items mentioned, which is not true. The issue is with the prolific amount of Transparent Christians that are in the faith, and that most of them that take the spotlight on TV do fall into that category.

The Bible is a great book and advise all to read it. If you leave your life as you think the Bible tells you I think that is okay, actually I think it is great, as long as you do not become a Transparent Christian. Most true and good Christians that I have met in my life (and I have met tens of thousands at the lowest estimate) do not call themselves Christian and refrain from labels all together. I guess now you are thinking of one you know and now you are truly understanding this now epidemic issue within this faith.

So for those of you that read this and think that I have it all wrong I feel for you and will leave with a quote of my one creation.

"Having an open mind allows you the room to move around and see truth" - automatechi (The Logical Spiritualist).

~The Logical Spiritualist, also known as automatechi

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