Friday, January 7, 2011

The Afterlife..........

Heaven...and...Hell, they might have different names but they exist in nearly all religions.

In this area I like the Koran, Buddhists Texts, Hindu Texts and other thoughts about a "Hell" a lot more than some Jewish sects, all Christians, Mormons, etc. Why would a God send on of his children that he loves to an infinite amount of torture for eternity? I could see a period of punishment for those who have done wrong, but eternal damnation really was never brought up to the levels it is now in society until the Dark Ages, and really was not even spoke of until the early centuries of Christianity. If we truly had free will, in its purest form, there would not be such a large reason to live like a nun, but I digress, Free choice will be a entirely different post.

Hell be came what it did, in part, from all the medieval art work that was created and Epics like Paradise Lost. Even though it is a good read, but still. I do not think guilt should be a draw to stay in religion as so many preachers point out for a dollar, again another time. 

A side note when I typed in pictures of Hell into Google for the below picture I got 216 million hits. That just drives the above point home. 


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