Hello Readers and welcome back! I am not sure what is possessing me to write so frequently but I am for whatever reason and taking advantage of it. Hopefully it makes you think... about something... Enjoy!
The Spark? What does that mean? It can mean a lot of things but for the nature of this Blog post it is just something you see in a person that makes you know that they are different... that they are breaking a mold... Gandhi had The Spark, Jesus had The Spark, Moses had The Spark, many prophets of many faiths, if not all faiths, have had The Spark. The Spark is what makes you a leader of nations, alive or post-humus, in spirituality or just for the Greater Good.
There is something to consider about The Spark, some have it greater than others but that is not to discredit the one who may have a more “minor” Spark. Martin Luther King Jr. had The Spark, he was a great man... Rosa Parks had The Spark... John Smith had the Spark. Gandhi in the previous paragraph is another example, and the purpose of this paragraph. The Spark can be big or small and can bring many things, many great things... but for the purpose of this Blog post I am referencing religious figures with the “greater” Spark, no disrespect of any kind intended.
Lets analyze these prophets... what is the most common denominator... I personally think that there is a combination of things that make up said denominator, their personalities, their charisma, their charm, their whatever... that is what it (The Spark) is made of and does not come along all that often. The last big prophet that I consider as a prophet (prophet as defined by me (everyone is entitled to their own and I respect your right to), one who brings truth to a lot of people, not necessarily truths that I believe) was Mohammed given his timeline, 700ish CE (I cannot remember exactly), prior to that Jesus, then prior to that Eastern Prophets like The Great Teacher Buddha, and predecessors to him, the line goes back nearly 10,000 years of some type of prophets within humanity. Bringing new truths with each, until the truth was discovered nearly 2500 years ago, but that is my opinion, Christianity changed the planet for the good and bad depending on time frame and topic... but has had a huge impact of humanity then followed by Mohammed. I have named 2 people that half the nearly half the world (3 billion) people believe in wholeheartedly as their saviors at this very minute.
The world today is a lot different then when Islam was rising... when Christianity took hold in Europe and the Middle East... and when Buddhism was the religion of the Indian empire nearly 2000 years ago... and so on... The jump in technology, social engaging, revolution, one voice really making a true difference...
Time has taught us one thing... Hist does and always will repeat itself... Agreed? So with that in mind.... When will The Spark come once more... Who will have the next great impact on society on their own... Will it be you? Will it be me? Will it be us, together? I guess only time will tell... Just as it always has and always will...
I hope it is soon, being one who walks a path of the Dharma, sort of, you are probably thinking why does he care he sides with Buddha?, as that is true I still look at all spirituality as a whole, per se... it is hard to describe. Those who subscribe to Eastern Thought know what I mean. I really could dig seeing an outpouring of goodness unleashed on the world from The Spark. Unfortunately, I could see the Christians seeing him as the Anti-Christ, wouldn’t that be a twist... but you never know, but know what they say...
Keeping you thinking since early 2010...
sukhi - attanam pariharami
The Logical Spiritualist, who would not mind having The Spark, just saying ;-)
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