Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Not Stuck Anymore... And Have One Checked Off The List

Hello Readers and welcome back... I have been struck with the need to write despite not feeling well, furnace fiasco, and being exhausted... Well lets get into it... I hope it makes you think and you enjoy it... Oh, I wanted to clarify my writing style on this Blog... There is always a small preface of sorts that is italicized (you are reading it write now) and that it is written to be read in a conversation tone which is why I use unorthodox punctuation that some would say are incorrect, and they are incorrect from a purely grammar perspective but I do not care. Enjoy!
In my last post I bragged up Jesus from my Logical Spiritualist perspective and mentioned that I believed that Jesus and Avalokiteśvara were one of the same... and still think he embodies him to a degree but I have been doing some research, specifically going through red letter Bibles (The words recited by Jesus according to the author of that Gospel are in red) and did not see what could point him in the way that I see him, but there is a huge gap in the Bible concerning Jesus’s life. It starts with when he was born and very shortly thereafter then picks his life back up when his ministry started around 30... There is a lot of speculation out there why this is. If he was known to be the Son of God prior to his birth why wasn’t his life followed throughout in some manner instead of only getting a small fraction of his life in scripture? There is some Apocrypha that mentions some of his later childhood but was thrown out of canon because of what it said... I think if there any literature of some type during his life in between the beginning and a few years before his crucifixion the Church Fathers discarded all of it if it hurt their plans in anyway... Not to mention that we know that none of the Bible was actually written by Jesus so we have a big chance of misinterpretation or accidental corruption of the scriptures via the author of that specific Gospel, just like in a lot of areas of the Good Book.
I know some may be thinking well you follow Buddhism, it was even a longer gap before written canon was developed there... and you would be right, but you Buddhism is much more complex and there is so much more, not to mention the structure of the religion (philosophy) is completely different and is an invalid comparison, but I think Islam would be a far better, comparison but they were trained all their lives to memorize the entire work as it was passed down, and many did, and this is a practice today for some still and was how it was translated until it was put to “paper”. The Buddha taught... The prophets of all Abrahamic Faiths preached... Like I said it is unique, in many ways, more so than the Abrahamic Faiths.
So I do not see me diving back into reading Jesus’s possible words in the New Testament anymore anytime relatively soon, and will view Jesus as the current Dali Lama does and I do not see it going much farther than that now since I did my research. However, I still have the interest to dive into other religious practices other than just my Foundation Faith to better myself and to better those around me... 
This is what the Dali Lama mentioned not to long ago about Jesus during an interview. “To sum up all that we’ve discussed, I feel there is tremendous convergence and a potential for mutual enrichment through dialogue between the Buddhist and Christian traditions, especially in the areas of ethics and spiritual practice, such as the practices of compassion, love, meditation, and the enhancement of tolerance. And I feel that this dialogue could go very far and reach a deep level of understanding. But when it comes to a philosophical or metaphysical dialogue I feel that we must part company. The entire Buddhist worldview is based on a philosophical standpoint in which the central thought is the principle of interdependence, how all things and events come into being purely as a result of interactions between causes and conditions. Within that philosophical worldview it is almost impossible to have any room for an atemporal, eternal, absolute truth. Nor is it possible to accommodate the concept of a divine Creation. Similarly, for a Christian whose entire metaphysical worldview is based on a belief in the Creation and a divine Creator, the idea that all things and events arise out of mere interaction between causes and conditions has no place within that worldview. So in the realm of metaphysics it becomes problematic at a certain point, and the two traditions must diverge (81-82 Christian Research Institute).”
So what of religions will I look into to possibly incorporate into Logical Spiritualism that coincides with what is already currently in there (Buddhism)? Taoism, Jainism, maybe a little Confucianism, Shinto, and of course Hinduism. I do believe that the root of truth in this universe is in Eastern Thought/Religion. 
One possible religion that could have been combined into my Logical Spiritualism is now checked off the list, that being Christianity... Who knows, in the end Logical Spiritualism might just be a form of Mahayana Buddhism... Only time will tell...
Keep thinking about positivity and know that Karma exists, no matter what you want to call it (e.g. you reap what you sow, it always comes back in the end, etc.) and live your life accordingly...
Keeping you thinking since 1981...
The Logical Spiritualist   


  1. The teenage and early adult life of Jesus was something that I was always curious about since an early age, because there was never anything about it in the bible. It wouldn't be surprising if there was at some point an account of it, but was destroyed for whatever reason. In those days, anything considered 'forbidden knowledge' was removed from public scrutiny and destroyed, which is unfortunate. But maybe not. Maybe Jesus was getting a lot of practice in with the old water into wine trick, and the his 20's was a drunken blur lol. You never know.

  2. It's funny that you say that Jon because the Apocrypha that I am referring to talked about him being a mischief youth with super powers, like messing with people, and it did not paint him in the light the canon is arranged and edited to, which is why it did not make it in canon. They found that it dated back to 200 CE for it was before official canon was put together by about 50 years... Oh, and he was in Egypt. On a completely different note somebody told me that Yahweh was and alien and he mated with a woman, don't know if it was Mary or not, and Jesus was a hybrid, and... whe "transcended" from the cross to a UFO and never died... Yeah... I respect anyone's view as far as this (anything that can not be disproven concerning spirituality in any way, no matter how far out there it may be) but it took everything I had not to laugh my ass off... In hindsight I think it is sad...
