Monday, January 2, 2012

See you in 2013?...

Hello Reader, and welcome back. Happy 2012... 
The year most have pointed to at the last one we are going to have due to some type of doom is here! Quick hide! I doubt we will see the end of our species this year but I do think something will happen other than just astronomical event being lined up to the center of our galaxy (The Milky Way galaxy). Surprising not because of Mayan calendar directly, more the Web Bot Project given that I am in the IT industry, now that is creepy (look it up). There could be something unique that happens when there is a perfect alignment of the Solar System and the Super Massive Black Hole at the center of our universe, past times there where some type of phenomenon that happened... Like around the last time when Neanderthals had seemed to have disappeared and then we came along. So what will happen this year? Will 2013 not come? I doubt it... I think we will see a 2013 but I do think it will be a little more than just a standard yearly transition, like we just saw for the 2011 switch to 2012. What are we going to see? I have no clue, but in my gut I know something will happen... something...
I am going to sound like an evangelist of a religion I no longer subscribe to but look at current events we see in the news and the differences in society and such... Things are changing, some for the good, however, there was loss at the same time though. I am referring to the civil revolutions in countries with oppressive governments... Our troops (U.S.) are coming home from Iraq, they should all be on their way home now, I believe. The war is another topic away from spirituality, and relevance, but I am glad they are coming home as I think we did everything we could without occupying for even longer, like decades, which cannot be done. Anyway, life is different these days and it seems to be changing so much faster with each passing day. Change is the only constant anymore...  Hopefully the world starts a path of good and we will finally break down certain walls and work as an entire world on huge issues like clean water, famine, etc... I think I am being optimistic but I know what we could do this as a people but we don’t care enough too. A more realistic way things will go is that there will  be continued protest until we get a President that actually produces good, fast results... Yet, another topic. 
Here’s what I predict will happen this year. Crazy campaigning on both Democrat and Republic camps, that will fill most of the media, including a big degree on social media as well. There will be other media stories too... there will be unfortunate tragedies more than last year like usually, tallying  more each year. Likely via massive traumas of some type, tsunamis, earthquakes all that, probably a little worse than. There will be some advancement in technology of some sort. Crazy times before election and maybe some tension due to the December “Prophecy” of 2012 occurring, maybe, and I think Obama will get voted out, which is good, I think, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions. The GOP will then be able to pass better laws, maybe, but that again is a different topic, for a different place. Then all eyes after the election will be looking towards 12/21/2012 to see what will happen when the Mayan Calendar “expires”... That will be an interesting time frame from early November to 12/21/2012 because I look for there to be a lack of other issues (just how I see it) so there may be rioting at most in some of the biggest cities of the world depending on how Occupy and other movements that will be raging by November of next year and how the outcome of the election goes. Wow we have really got political here, I digress, there will still be Christmas shopping, actually, I look for spending for the Christmas season in 2012 to be the highest in 15 or more years, I just have this feeling... Then 12/21/2012 will go by and Christmas will come and go then  2013 will be here shortly thereafter. Yep, that’s what I see. I could be wrong though... maybe we will get hit with a solar flare knocking out communication and causing widespread terror and damage and it will be like Mad Max style stuff... or even a Solar Mass Ejection leveling most of the planet, there was a recent movie that this was in but it must have been crappy because I do not remember the name... We just never know do we? Did the dinosaurs have any idea that they were going to be wiped out when they were, I doubt it... They thought what is that in the sky and that was the last thought for many... then the ash cloud from the volcano that erupted that was massive and the meteor strike shortly thereafter killing most living organisms on the planet, allowing us to come into being after millions of years... 
I just do not see this year being any different than any other Summer Olympics year, leap year, a very unusually astrology event, an election year, a lot of social unrest with more protesting being done in some time, I think it will be a year like 2010 was or maybe even better, or it could be like the last leap year when another recession slapped us in the face... Who really knows what is going to happen? No one, big shots will roll the dice and react like normal, poorly...
So... I guess what I am trying to say is that 2012 will probably suck for some and not others, or everything could change for the good!... Or the Earth could pop like a pimple, Time will be our only judge... So let’s not make 2012 suck huh? We can revisit this topic in 2013... seriously most of us will still be here.... ;-)

Aham avero homi

The Logical Spiritualist 

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