Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Interesting Perspective on Jesus The Brother of James

Hello Readers and welcome back! It has seemed to be a long week but it almost is at an end for most. I have to work over the weekend, but you have to do what you have to. I hope that this turns out well and gets/keeps you thinking... Enjoy. Oh, and if you do not have an open mind stop reading now... seriously...
I saw a very interesting viral video today called I Hate Religion But Love Jesus || Spoken Word (Link). What he said held a lot of truth of what a lot of Christians, at least the true believers, feel after being in the faith in the last 3 or so decades, or at least I know I did. Try to emulate the Jesus you find in the New Testament (or Covenant), not miracle performing, but holding true loving-compassion towards all, which I would classify him as a Bodhisattva. A Bodhisattva is anyone who, motivated by great compassion, has generated bodhicitta, which is a spontaneous wish to attain Buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings. Bodhicitta is the intention to achieve omniscient Buddhahood as fast as possible, so that one may benefit infinite sentient beings. Bodhicitta also means the aim to, on the one hand, bring happiness to all sentient beings, and on the other, to relieve them of suffering. Honestly I think Jesus reached Buddhahood in his next rebirth which I am sure he reached a high plane within the samsara after his life on Earth. (I can go over the entire resurrection process mentioned in the New Testament through Buddhism, but I am not going to, at least not yet) What do I think happen after that (after the “resurrection”, remember I mean no disrespect, and have respect for all Faiths, this is just my view)? I think he has been traversing all of time and space that make up every mindstream in the Samsara as a Bodhisattva comparable only to Avalokiteśvara or Maitreya. How he delivers it I think differs greatly than most Bodhisattvas (through Buddhism) but does bring in the core values that make a good person. Personally I think YHVH (God of Abraham) does exist in a high plane, possibly highly than that of Brahman, but is not quite the “Creator God” that billions think he is... Then again he may be rebirthed into the Human plane every time because of his deep love (attachment to the Human Condition) for us. Who knows? Only time can answer such a perplexing question, hence all the different perspectives (religions).
Once you go through some type of “Enlightenment” like I did in mid 2010 your perspective on everything changes dramatically and you essentially become a new person. I like what this has given me. I could actually see all that was wrong in the world, finally embraced Karma as absolute fact, Finally broke through my denial of reincarnation, and realized that you control what you believe and not burn in a place called Hell forever and ever and who cares what you might believe as long as it affects yourself and others in a very positive way. Buddhism works for me, it has made me a better person but does that mean that you should convert? I’ll answer it for you... the answer is NO. You need to choose, yes I said YOU CHOOSE, what religion will make you the best person you can be for yourself and the rest of the world... I was not a very good Christian, it actually made me a toxic, intolerant, blind, foolish, however, that does not happen to everyone. It work’s for some and those affects that I had they do not get and good for them. Plus it did instill in me good core values that I always upheld and was a decent person, most of the time... but their was huge room for improvement...
Follow this line of logic, can science disprove part of the Bible? Yes, is the answer and do not argue. The first Human Being was not created 6,000 years ago, women did not create sin, ill will, same difference, has always been around and the pain of childbirth has always been around too, not by the result about passing a pomegranate to Adam to eat and see the word without “blinders” on. The Neanderthals disappeared 26,000 years ago, and there are other countless things that science can disprove that the Bible states. Not enough? Evolution is not real so “God” did not create every single animal that ever roamed the planet. Evolution is scientific fact, it is proof, one thing the Bible does not have much of as far as physicality goes... Now, if you look at the Bible metaphorically where it makes sense and literal where it makes sense than I would say that would be the most logical way to interpret the Bible, which it is an interpretation in and of itself. The writers of the Good Book interpreted what they heard/saw/whatever... therefore it is interpretation and it is a fact that interpretations can be misinterpreted, we see it all in people reciting events once they hit paper, even in ancient times, and I think some things in the Bible were. However, if you look at it in a metaphorical and literal way that I mentioned above the book can be very positive for you and you can be a very good person, I just find the thought of God to be irrelevant to the equation. Our purpose in life as I see it is be loving-compassion and be the best you can be to yourself and others as well as doing as much as you can for others in any helpful manner you deem appropriate for the situation. 
Before I wrap this post I want to point out something that I found to be extremely interesting. When I first turned to Buddhism I thought Jesus was a Bodhisattva instantly it made so much sense given what I mentioned above and then I read that the current H.H. The Dali Lama thinks the same thing. This is the link to the site (Wikipedia) It is a section named Parallels between Gautama Buddha and Jesus and it is really compelling when approaching it with an open mind.
The were both great men placed on Earth with a purpose. I think that is something that can be universally agreed upon. Whom will always be until the need for Maitreya appears which I think will be some time from now. 
Well until next time my friends, take care, and I hope good things come your way.
Keeping the mind moving since 1981

The Logical Spiritualist

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