Sunday, January 15, 2012

Stuck in Between a Wheel and a Cross...

Hello Readers and welcome back! I am one tired guy, 3.5 hours sleep in the last 36 or more, and been working a lot. That and I have had a lot on my mind lately, constantly racing... plus having insomnia does not help... Anyway, this post in just one thing that has been weighing very heavy on me lately, hoping this post helps me figure out something... Enjoy!
I have posted before that I have had issues with dropping the Western mindset (God fearing Protestantism). Well I have been studying The Buddha’s teachings and Mahayana Thought for nearly a year and a half but still come back to certain parts of the Faith I followed for 23 years (Christian mostly, with Messianic Judaism for the last years, which is really a form of Christianity but they want to be recognized within Jewish religious sects, but Jews lay no claim of affiliation, and neither to the Christians). The unique thing is it has nothing to do with God... but has everything to do with Jesus... That my friends is the only aspect of the mindset I do see that will be shakable, and that has not already been removed from my religious beliefs, per se, and the thought of his importance makes elimination impossible... and there are numerous reasons why...
No man in history has made an impact to all of humanity like him, he has done things that no one else has, so many things and I am not even really thinking of the miracles he did in the Book, but his impact on Global Society from his inception for over 2000 years. This nation was essentially founded on him, and undoubtedly was on his Father in the Book as well. Nearly a 3rd of the people on this planet think of him as their person savior... No one else can lay claim to that... Now Buddha is my teacher... but I can still learn from Jesus, and so one else can too... emulating either at any capacity is a good thing. I do not think Jesus was the son of “God”, per se, but if you want to want more on my thoughts about YHVH or Yahweh check my last Blog post. I think the Buddhist Cosmology to be accurate, just my opinion. So obviously I have some things to work out as far as how I go forward in the grey areas of my new belief system... my logical spirituality.
That is what Logical Spiritualism is, taking on any form of some religion or theology, it can be stuff handpicked by yourself from various religions or whatever homegrown beliefs you may have, it is what you use to create/maintain your moral and core values, ultimately resulting in bettering yourself in all ways and creating benefit to everyone around you... and that my friends has been what I have been doing since I was “enlightened” in later 2010, looking for my Truth. However, I am changing some of my belief structure up. My logical spiritualism will be something like a homegrown strand of Buddhist Christianity and yes this does already exist, but mine will be a little different given my own homegrown beliefs... it is an interesting article, and will link you up with other things, like others that practice forms of this... 
I think Jesus was thee greatest Bodhisattva of Compassion. Jesus I think is Avalokiteśvara (śvara), they are one of the same. I know both Buddhists and Christians would both freak out a bit about that statement, more so the Christians, but Buddhists would at least debate it, before shooting it down, as long they are Mahayana. There have been different interpretations within the Abrahamic Faiths but all regard him as a great person (Jesus), with varying importance given the religion and sect of the religion. 
So I have some molding to do with my belief structure, and practice really, that I know must be done... The reason I cannot get Jesus out of my head I truly think is from what I mentioned above and not that the “brainwashing” (no disrespect intended but I do not know what else to call it from my perspective). Having Western Thought engrained heavily into me for 23 years. 
H.H. The Dali Lama is thought to be the reincarnation of Avalokiteśvara, along with other current living beings as well, which fits well with the Christian view of Jesus being able to be everywhere at the same time (He is part of the Godhead which is “one” so that cannot be disputed, it is in Christian Canon as so (The Bible)) and being in the hearts of all living humans... So does that all mean that we have a little but of  Avalokiteśvara in us? Maybe? I think we may...
One thing that is now certain. I have to retract my statement of likelihood of myself picking up a Bible again... because obviously I need to again, more specifically just the New Testament and Jesus’s life only, mostly Red Letters, and other sources of his life within Apocrypha. Regardless, I know it is good for me and others to do so and how that changes my belief structure I do not know, but I do know one thing, Buddhism is my Foundation Faith, but I do have other beliefs, obviously...
The days ahead will be interesting and I will inform what I hope to be masses one day of how my (The Founder of the idea of being a Logical Spiritualist) journey goes.
Until next time,
Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace. - The Buddha
The Logical Spiritualist

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